A/N: Huge apologies for the massive delay! (Don't blame poor W3DNESDAY!)

I crank up the thermostat and throw off my heels as I enter my dark, lonely apartment. Its cavernous chill threatens to swallow me whole. Suddenly, I find myself rushing from room to room throwing on every light I have, trying to dissipate an intense feeling of claustrophobia that has settled like a lead fog into my chest. I collapse onto the couch, exhausted by my sudden burst of manic energy, and stare at the blank manila envelope.

When stern, blue-haired Professor Agatha Davidson recruited me for a "small, entry-level government job" I never expected to be plunged into the shadowy depths of an organization I only knew as the Agency. To this day, I am not sure whether the Agency is or has ever been a legitimate tactical arm of the United States government.

(4 years ago; The Agency)

Massive butterfly wings are pounding the walls of my stomach and my fingers are abuzz with nervous energy. Reminding myself to be firm and professional, I square my shoulders and take a deep breath before knocking on the door.


I open the door to see Third Agent Davidson looking very much like a prim English grandmother enjoying her afternoon tea. She is almost dwarfed by the impressively massive desk in front of her.

"Good afternoon, Sophie." Don't be fooled into thinking Agatha Davidson is anything like a sweet, placid grandmother. Even those pleasant words held the bitter bite of reproof.

"Good afternoon, Third Davidson." I hope that sounded professional. I hope that didn't belie the quaver in my throat.

"Yes, well," It's amazing how much subtle contempt you can squeeze into those two words. "I have been reviewing your file"

Oh no. The file. My file. The file that holds psychological profiles, the results of physical and mental aptitude tests. The file that documents weight and height at birth, parents' occupations, grandparents' occupations, the ethnicity of second cousins, every visit to a hospital, clinic, or emergency room, and who knows what else. It probably includes my slight brush with thievery at the age of four.

"How have you liked the Agency these past few months?"

How could I not be absolutely in love with a job that requires filing papers and entering data thirteen hours a day?

"Working at the Agency has been an extremely rewarding experience." Oh God. I must reek of Eau de Kiss-Ass.

"Well, believe it or not, Sophie, I did not recruit one of the most brilliant tactical minds I have ever met to rot beneath an interminable pile of mindless paperwork."

The shock from this unexpected compliment coupled with my nervous energy causes me to, of all things, hiccup.

"Hic. Wow, thank you Third Davidson."

"Yes, well…"


"I believe, and my superiors agree, that you are ready to be promoted to the level of a junior field agent. You will be guided by a few senior agents, but your first mission is to be carried out alone."

"Hic." Alone? I have NO qualifications as a field agent! "But, I have not been trained in the field." Or otherwise. "I've only just taken a few tests. Hic."

"I feel confident in your abilities." What? That's it? "You may leave now."

She waves her hand impatiently at me, so I walk out of her room hiccupping like a frog is caught in my diaphragm.


I look up to see a man looking expectantly at me with a blank manila envelope in hand.

"Hic. Yes, that's me."

Dark eyes, midnight tresses, lean muscled body. In short, tall, dark, and handsome.

"I'm Senior Field Agent Lee-Montgomery. I'll be supervising your first case. Are you ready to be briefed?"

Just then, I felt that joining the Agency had been the best decision of my life…

(Author's Notes)

Queen Anabella: Thanks for the reminder! I tend to get carried away when creating minor characters and whatnot. Thanks so much for the multiple reviews!

CrystalDusk: I'm sorry you don't like the short chapters. I love them actually. I have a hard time reading long chapters online, and shorter chapters makes it easier to update! (Er…sorry for the much belated update of the story. cough cough)

callmebelle: Thanks for the add! I'm sorry you haven't been getting any Author Alert emails recently!

pink dandy lion: Thanks for alerting me to the situation in China. I followed the link in your profile and read all about it.