Hi everyone!

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the fans of this story, of Chelsea, Oliver, and Calvin and all their journeys. I know and am BLOWN AWAY constantly by the incredible fans of this story, and I am very aware it's been unfinished for almost seven years and, while excuses and reasons are aplenty, I just want to say two quick things:

1) I WILL finish this story. I have thoroughly enjoyed every comment, review, guesses and hopes as to how Chelsea's story will end. I will do my very best to finish it in a way that I hope everyone will be satisfied with, while sticking to the original ending I'd outlined. I aim to push out the last (and possible epilogue) chapter by the end of May latest, as I am in the middle of refreshing my memory by rereading Sea Shells, a story I wrote when I was my teens :)

2) The second thing I want to say is I am simultaneously writing another story for Fictionpress, that is slightly fantasy-based but covering the romance and drama genres. I've currently charted it as a 10-12 chapter story, and I would love and welcome any readers who may have enjoyed my previous writing. If you go to my profile page, you will find the first two chapters of The Eighth Kingdom already published!

I have gone through a very long journey of joy and pain since I last wrote, but I know everything is worth it if it helps me write richer stories and compelling characters, because writing is my passion, and through any time when I found myself speechless in life, I always found the words on paper. I would love you to continue in that journey with me!

Much love, and many many thanks,
