The bombs exploded loud and fiercely as Hanna ran through the trench holes in fear of being hit by one of the flying bullets of the shotguns that were being fired from the other side of the field. "Please, God. Help me," Hanna whispered to herself as a bullet brushed against her cheek and killed her comrade from behind her. She reached up to her cheek and felt the blood course to her head and out of the wound. It was bleeding more than it should. Her eyes met with the dead corpse behind her, and she screamed in sorrow, "Mary! No!" Tears rolled down from her eyes now as she embraced the dead body, "Please, God! Don't take her!" Unfortunately, Hanna checked her pulse and found nothing beating. Now, more than ever, Hanna wanted to just quit. She was on a battlefield, though, and it was not like an American job where the employee can just walk away from their job. This job she had taken was to protect her land from the enemy, which have crossed onto their field. Hanna regrets this more than ever.
The dirt around Hanna was not brown, but was soaked red from the blood that seeped through. Hanna's eyes trembled as she took away the hand grenade from Mary and shot it out into enemy territory, which they had taken over when they had arrived. The Americans are trying to regain their land. Suddenly, the loud explosion shot up two bodies from the enemy side into the air, like they were just two dolls. I can't take this. Hanna thought until she looked back at the dead corpse behind her, which was sat upright after she took the grenade. Right now, Hanna's thought changed. I'm doing this for Mary. They took her life away! You bastards are gonna pay! She took out another hand grenade, shooting two more bodies into the air. The expression on their faces told Hanna that they were dead now, because of her. Hanna smirked for a moment, but then frowned in fright, realizing she was actually killing these people! "I should stop," she whispered again to herself, staring at the other dead corpses, which were now lying in the battle field. Please, God. Tell me what to do!
Suddenly, another bullet from a rifle fired through the air and into Hanna's left shoulder. "Damn it all!" Hanna cried as she ripped out a bandage and aided her arm. She finished tying up the knot to stop the bleeding when an explosive mine went off on the field. Her eyes glanced up at the battle scene to see that the enemy tried to cross the line. "Stupid Germans," Hanna grunted to Mary before reloading her rifle, "I don't know why they'd even think about crossing. Why do we have to use rifles still? This damned thing is, like, from the 1900's!" Finally, she was finished arguing at Mary, so she started to fire at the enemy again. "All anyone talks about nowadays is World War IV. It gets on my damn nerves when they don't even know what the hell they're talking about"
Hanna was shot again, this time through the chest. Her heart felt as if it stopped beating. It did, and she was right. She was dying now like her best friend, Mary. She looked at the dead body lying next to her, smirking, "Game over." The screen turned black as Hanna took off her helmet. "This game sucks. I don't wanna play anymore." She walked out, Mary chanting stuff about how the next script wasn't ready for their new movie. Hanna stood at the doorway, turned back at Mary, and smiled, "I'll pay for your lunch if you don't tell the boss I left again." Mary nodded and went back to playing the game as a new character.