"Expressions at One AM"
Up at one am
Talkin' to you
Letting my feelings flow
Makin' you understand me
Now you see me, now you don't
Do you know that I miss you?
I like you
I dunno what to do
Just gotta follow my heart
Just like yours is telling you to
I'll be waiting for you
Always and forever
You'll be in my thoughts
Sorry to tell you this,
But I can't wait forever
I want to, but I can't
I'm movin' tomorrow
Let your heart run free and
Your soul rip out
I need you to be honest
I need the truth
I need you
I'm sorry for making this so hard
But, it's the only way to know
I need to see if you like me too
Then I'll do what I think is right
Yeah, honey, I'll do what's right
Just let me know
Just let me know
Now you're bein' honest
Talk to me, talk to me
I need your answers
I need you to comfort me now
There's no one else,
But you
No one else but you, darlin'
Come on and tell me what your heart is sayin'
Mine's speakin' now
I'm trying to tell you something…
I love you.
Author's Note: Haha. You know the routine. HERE'S ANOTHER POEM/SONG, just like I said in my author profile thing. It's about love if you're stuck…And no, I'm not being sarcastic. This is somewhat true, and somewhat not true…Kind of.
I am unsure about the title I selected…If you have any suggestions, I don't really know if I want to/am going to change it or not…, then just holler. Give me an email, I suppose. Heh.
YOU KNOW THE DEAL – read constructive criticism, no flamers.