Hey Girl! Never would have thought I'd be making you a scrapbook cause your moving :/ This sucks! But thankfully your leaving with us being best of friends. We have had so many memories together! Shall we recap? Oh we shall.
Racing, Oh god! Racing I remember everything as if it was yesterday! Bobby following us, That was a great night! Us totally 'stalking' Derek, Jordan and Bobby.
The Bangor Fair with Jordan, haha I stood by him but no you were to scared too! My mom and Nikki (erm) screaming "Maggie and Kayla switch places!" hehe. Him & his damn fidgeting! Derek and his tongue thing, oh dear jesus and the shepherds! I cannot believe he did that, I mean he had a girlfriend… a PREGNANT one at that! Running into Jordan and Derek because we lost them and we started running them BAM there they were. Bobby with that girl jerking his hand away! That was the first time I cried infront of any of my friends so feel very special )
Us being hit on by those weird guys at the fair. "Wanna play that game for me baby?" "Uhh, no." haha that guy was cute, I should have played the damn game. When you bought that soda and the guy knocked off 1 buck so you only got it for 99 cents. Oh wow, what a bargain. Then he said "say pretty please" Before you took it from him. That guy was like 30, ew. Can't forget that fat dude "I like the one in the baggie clothes" Remind me to never wear baggie clothes again, aye?
When my mom went to Bobby and said we bought a bunch of pictures of him and he's like "I can see that" Then mom asked him to sign them he said "I guess I won't sign over my face" What a cocky little shit. We got their autographs though! They will be worth money some day when they are in NASCAR.
When we rode with Bobby, Jordan and Derek. Well actually only Bobby and Derek, sorry you couldn't ride with Jordan they told him to go in too early. I ripped my pants on Derek's car, I was so pissed. When I talked to Bobby's daddy. He loves me, I swear. He wants me to marry his son!
Trips with Bangor with Bill and Mandeers. Those were fun times. Blasting So Cold and Getting Away with Murder, I swear we listened to those songs on repeat for what seems like hours. Resident Evil 2 "These are custom made bitch" Good movie, Good movie. That black guy was the arse. ) Remember those guys were saying they wanted to kiss us? I still think they were drug dealers. Yes? Yes! They said they wanted to kiss us and they had their girlfriend right beside them, what in gods name is this world coming to? Getting pretty much thrown out of Burger King. "McDonalds is better, don't come here they don't know how to make food!" I threw away my tray AND stuck my finger in your vanilla bean, haha.
Keying Nikki's car ) That's the shit. She should have got us the chairs and not been so bitchy about it, yes? When I talked to Bobby (8/14/04). You missed the best thing that has ever happened to me (
Homecoming weekend! My b-day, Thanks for that cake by the way! We walked through the whole town of Milo I swear to fucking god. Good times though. Soccer Games, Fun oh fun. Remember when You, Erica & Me put gum on Justin Morrill's car doors? That was funny. When we didn't get on the freshman float and Allison, Melissa, Mike, Rachel etc. kept throwing candy at us, how rude. They said they disowned us, ehh oh well. Then Shane pegging us with dimes? Rude! Brian kept staring at us too. Butthole. Although he does have beautiful eyes. Sorry Homecoming wasn't fun, well wasn't fun for me anyways. Brian Salley and Ian Carey suck balls, and they made it suck for us. Then you started dating Stuart and I hated that little shit so we didn't hang out much that whole dance.
Us spying on Ricki's friends, oh you know they loved us. Jesse Ladd "Jesse, my friend Maggie is looking at your ass!" His face got so red "Come on guys, Come on now!" J. Miles, oh what a cutie… Sorta, till he hit on me now I just flat out am disgusted by him haha. I shouldn't say that he's in Iraq now. "I F-U-C-K-E-D U-P M-Y C-A-R!" what a vulgar mouth. Yes, Maggie Justin is very pretty. Yes, Maggie Justin is ours. Hehe.
Our crazy conversations with Ian when we were totally and completely obsessed with him. 'Boom bazooka Joe'. Now that I look back on it who on earth would do him anyways? I think he's ugly.
Hollywood Sexcapades and Erotic Confessions! OMFG, Porn! I made you watch it all the time when you were over here, lmao it was so funny. I'd be like hey Maggie look and switch it on the channel. You liked it. You porno freak!
I Robot Will Smith was nakie! Pushing you into Devin Peeerkins, wow he's a hunk. Did I tell you when he came into the school he was staring at me. Haha he remembers ;) I saw him taken a piss, he's so tall that his head came over the stall, HAHA.
Basketball games, damn you! You sat by Dustin Perkins. You should be beat. He smelt like cigarettes, pot and beer though. And he had long fingernails, EW.
At Kelli's (ew) watching Without a Paddle and well some of House of 1000 Corpses! That's almost a porno man, and I see why you wanted to still watch it haha!
Times at your house had endless amounts of fun! Bob the fish, Teddy (I still love him even though he's freakin scary), Silky, Julie (RIP) oh and Yoda and MaggerZ. Oh and your doogie he was cute too. Sly & Simon love you even if they act like they hate your guts ).
Chelsea's house (erm) Jumping in the snowbacks, haha nice. That was refreshing. Us hanging out with Shanus! Hehe he's so funny. "It's not my fault that I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!" Now that's awesome. We grossed him out so fucking bad!
The fieldtrip and we saw Kayla Kalel. Stupid Sa-Lut. When you pushed me into her and I called her a whore, and typically she called me a bitch. I told her to say it to my face and she didn't haha. Then after the fieldtrip when she was sitting on the bus I flipped her off and she was like O haha!
Boat Trip That movie rocked. We need to buy it. Our crazy converstations on AOL! Those were fun, fun times. Altoosa and Seventeen magazines? Lmao I will be sure to tell Altoosa you said hi! Sunshine Eve & Ian? "I'd so do you" That picture of that girl was GROSS. That Lesbian Chatroom? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG That was funny.
Remember Tee Hee! Our sex word ;) You wanna tee hee Jordan Pearson. 'It Tickles me' & 'That makes me tingle' Haha! Don't forget our bootiful hand shake/jestures. Remmber at the races when we did it? We were awesome then. You like Zach ) Sorry you didn't get to meet Durgin, you will sometime when you come up. We are so boy crazy, I tell you. I just can't believe you moved (
George & Yolanda, What have they been up too? Probably having sex as usual. Horny bastards. Ooh cannot forget SMEGMA. Haha Tiffany Burton has that! We grossed out so many people with that. Oh and our song! "We love Bobby yes we do he's for us and not for you" But in your case "We love Jordan yes we do he's for me and not for you!"
Maggie Elizabeth Lutz, we have had so many memories! It's just great. You're my bestfriend and I just don't know what the hell I would do without ya! I know we have had a lot of fights such as that whole Tiffany Burton thing then Ian fucking everything up and just think we were going to actually get in his truck with him. He's u-gly. Then that Brandi Blenkhorn haha That fight was effin hilarious. Maggie we have bugs in our hair :P Just imagine if we were still pissed off at eachother? I wonder what would happen? That'd really suck. I hope we NEVER fight again and if we do I will cry forever. Were not going to be able to graduate together! That's sad Don't forget us hicks. ;) I'm going to miss you, your momma, your dadda, Mandeers and all your kitty kitties. Let's see how many I can name. Yoda, Silky, Jack, Sabrina, Teddy, MaggerZ, Cuteness, and Julie (RIP) I DID IT.
Just to let you know before I end this thingy ma jiggy, I love you. Your like my sister! Whenever were together we have tons of fun! Even though you've left even if your 1,000,000 hours away from me I'll still be here for you. I love you MaggerZ! Don't forget all your nicknames, Maganator… haha. Okay enough of this mushy stuff. But seriously I love you bub and you better come up and visit me! BESTFRIENDS FOR EVER.
LOVE YOU! Kayla.