plastic walls
we count them :
1, the aching in her bones
(but not one of yours.)
2, the hollow in her heart
thats filled twice now,
but wont beat.
3, the flash of green-gray-green
which really is motion,
(but backwards in your case.)
4, the smell of bath balls, purple ones
which taste too much like nostalagia,
too much like words black and blue.
walls and words,
from often a woman,
but somewhat a vessel,
too premature to know the reasons
for arms that pulled out to soon,
to legs that are still swimming,
kicking at absent amniotic safety,
infantile measured and donated breaths,
"alone, alone, alone"
go, and take her whispers by rocket baby doll
Poetry » General Rated: K, English, Words: 112, Published: 3/20/2006