I am made of
Raspberry lip gloss smeared across a swollen mouth. that. paints his body with the blood that drips from the wounds he inflicts
He drowns me in his aggression as bras and pants fall to dust at our feet
& his destruction was always heart splitting
( .beautiful)
And the ache in my skin is scraped off again by his (in)toxic(ating) scent.
I am made of
Secrets that aren't really secrets at all. but. They remain buried in my dreams
& they reach out charred hands to caress my face
I'm paralyzed. stuck. in. bottomless. tar.
They shove me towards screaming sirens until I'm splattered against penetrating stone.
I am made of
movement and spirals of smoke that dribbles from my mind and encircles my throat
Coating my lungs that breath so strained in choking imagination
I'm. never. free even though I sweat on my life to be
& she sees me and laughs at the white powder chains around my smile.
I am made of
Clouded vision and words floating with intensity on the edge of insanity
"& don't ther-rape-me," I can whisper through the iron walls of my delusional discomfort. maybe. you're blind. but. they can stare through 10 inch deep fear.
Don't diagnose the panic in my eyes.
just… walk away.