
I know I never said good bye

Or told you I was leaving

I bet you think it's some mistake

Some cruel joke for teasing


And even though I won't get to say

"I love you," one last time,

I think you know I'm not really gone

So there's really no reason to cry.


I know things look really bad right now,

Like a storm with no end

But we've got a promise to get through this

To see the rainbow's bend.


You're thinking you'll never see me again,

Thinking that there's no hope,

But the truth of the matter is,

We are not at the end of our rope.


I'm not afraid anymore,

And I hope you feel it too

I'm here were I belong now,

I'm here and waiting for you.


There are no mistakes in this world,

No such word as freak,

When the accident happened,

It was set up just for me.


I've been called home for a reason,

Don't cry so hard for you see,

I'm fine and where I belong,

My God is holding onto me.

- In loving remembrance of Nathan and all the others we've lost "accidentally."