This is a poem that is very strange. I love it. It's based off of my actual childhood experiences. Not exactly, but close enough. This poem is about a little girl with a big heart and a bigger imagination.
My name is Ellie Helmerschmit,
It's strange but I am proud of it,
My Grandma Cecilia, who lives far away,
Sent a green eyed dolly to me one day.
She's made of china and she's really pale,
Her black hair was pretty but her clothes were stale.
So mommy said she'd teach me to sew.
She'd give me a needle, and away I'd go.
It took me a while but I learned a lot.
I gave the doll more clothes than I've got.
Then one day, after I'd made clothes by the ton,
I heard a strange, but beautiful song.
I opened the cabinet, where my dolly slept,
And watched in amazement as my dolly wept.
She told me her name was Colleen from Verend.
She had come from her world to make a new friend.
I hugged her close and said, "Look no more,"
"You be my friend and I'll be yours!"
After that we were thick as thieves,
Neither one farther than the other one's sleeve,
She followed me everywhere, even to school,
Where the older kids said she was uncool.
But I didn't care, not one little bit.
They said it once and that was it.
Colleen would vanish from time to time,
But that didn't matter because she was mine.
Then no one else would play with me.
They wouldn't come near that I could see.
Colleen told me that was alright,
We didn't need them, it wasn't even a might.
She whispered things no one else could hear,
And sang each night into my ear.
Then one day mommy came to see,
And take my dolly away from me.
"You're being strange," she said warily,
"You're starting to act very scarily."
I pushed her away, I felt so mean.
"If you get rid of her, you get rid of me!"
Mommy cried and ran downstairs.
Colleen said I shouldn't care.
She told me to go pack my things,
She'd say a spell and give me wings.
I packed the clothes that I had made.
We had matches in every shade.
I opened my window and climbed outside,
Then I heard a noise, so I had to hide.
Mommy had come right back upstairs,
She began screaming and pulling her hair.
"Ellie! Ellie! Where did you go?!"
"This isn't funny, Ellie, you know!"
Colleen snickered in cruel delight.
"When the old lady's gone, then we'll take flight."
I smiled and hugged my dolly close.
I stood on the roof and gathered my clothes.
We walked to the edge, as I recall.
I stepped out to jump and I started to fall.
I didn't call out at allas I fell.
I didn't scream and I didn't yell.
I could feel the wings she'd promised me,
Unfurling and uncurling for all to see.
Then the ground opened up and the house was gone.
I was staring up at a red summer dawn.
I looked around but couldn't find Colleen.
Then she grabbed my hand and smiled with a gleam.
We were now the very same size,
I stared at her and her bright green eyes.
"We'll play forever," she said with a nod,
"And no one here will think we're odd."
I smiled back with a light in my heart,
"If we're going further, here's a good place to start."
So we took a deep breath and began to explore.
And that's what we'll be doing. Forever more.