Author's Note: First off, I want to apologize since I have not updated this story in almost two years. I won't give any excuses and I am sincerely sorry for leaving the end like I did, but at the time everything in life was out of control. Though Whatever It Takes was never far from my mind, I could never post the last chapter because I did not feel like it was right. After my hiatus from writing, I did not want to start a new story without finishing my first. Roughly two years later and with a little more life experience, I decided to re-write the whole story. I just wanted to let everyone know that I posted that re-write a few days ago. It is titled Give Us a Chance. The whole premise of the story is planned, new twists are added, and the characters are given more background. So enjoy and thank you for supporting me while I was away.
Cynically Amused!