Sing a song,

All night long

That tells of what

We're doing wrong

When we are close

And no one knows

It makes me feel

A bit morose

To think that maybe

You could be

Doing all those things

To me




I only want what you have got

I may be wrong, or I may not

When I think of what we've had

My stomach turns into a knot.

My family, they love you still,

They don't understand how I feel.

It hurts when you look at me that way

I hold on to sanity through sheer will.

You talk to me about other girls,

Of flirting and thrills and twisting curls,

Each word is a knife into my gut

But you smile and pretend not to see me hurl.


And yet…


Savagely, I cling to hope,

Like a rock climber to a rope,

Someday, with new eyes you'll see,

So I won't have to wash your mind out with soap.

As they all sit and stare at me,

Wondering what strange things I see,

I think of how I became this way,

Why do you do what you do to me?

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord to safely keep,

My soul that's burning in the night,

For the boy who's heart's so cheap.




Although I know,

What you won't show,

It sucks to think,

I love you so.

Well that's a wrap for my moodiness for tonight. Hope you guys liked it. I'm starting to think I'm a bit to melodramatic when it comes to stuff like this. ()

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