A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for being so patient, I can not tell you how glad I am to post this, because you know what it means? Exams are over! I hope you all like this chapter…please read and review! And thanks for my other reviews!

Addy's PoV

Why am I even bloody here? Because I'm the fucking good guy that's why. I felt pretty bad after how much of an ass I was to Black earlier in maths, so I thought id apologise. I lagged behind after history and started to approach him…man was he pissed. I knew that much and he didn't even know I was there yet.

I so do not want to be here anymore.

Spoke too soon, shit - too late to back out now, he's heard me. I honestly feel awful about maths I mean he wasn't being a prat or anything - I was, which after everything I've ever said makes me one major hypocrite, and here I am, face to face with Black, ready to apologise and you know what he has to go and say?

"Come to have another go?"

Okay and maybe, just maybe I might have deserved at least half of that, but it doesn't mean he's going to get away with it. Its not like we get along great and its just me and a friend fighting, something we can talk about and resolve, its him. He looked both truly shocked and sorry once he said it though, I'll give him that, and I knew, knew he hadn't meant to say it at all and it was just his annoyance talking.

I am however, very hard to stop once I start, and I looked at him standing there, just waiting for my outburst to come, and me not being one to disappoint, answered. I didn't even think about my reply, it just sort of came out. Years of fighting with him saw to that one. If it would have been with anyone else I can assure you that would not have happened.

"Fuck you Black. I'll have your arrogant little self know I came here to apologise, being the bigger person and all, but you want to fight – again? Fine!"

"I'll stop you there. I'm not the arrogant one and you are definitely not the bigger person. I offered you help. Yes arrogant, selfish little Black offered you help and you couldn't even be arsed to swallow your pride and say yes please – Addison Smith you are one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever met! You say I always pick the fights, say I'm selfish and a show-off and yet you cant stand me when I'm the opposite. What the fuck. I like you and everyone knows it and if you cant see it and you hate my guts then fine but you've got no right to storm in here when you have never been civil in your entire life to me and expect me to not think I'm going to be on one of receiving ends of your little power bursts, but you know what? Fine! I misjudged the situation. Sorry."

He spat the last word, as though it was killing him to say, and it probably was.

Despite obviously meaning every word of his outburst he plainly regretted it, the look of complete embarrassment and horror on his face was enough to tell me that. He'd opened his mouth again with a slight apologetic air even before I could fully process his words, and I stopped him.

"Just forget it." He tried to speak again, and I stopped him again, "seriously, its fine. You're right. I had no right to treat you they way I did in maths, sorry. And you were right to say I've been a hypocrite, and I cant exactly blame you for thinking I was here for another rant. But if we keep going on like this we'll be going in circles forever, and I don't want to do that, its stupid and not what either of us wants. So look, do you just want to leave it here?"

He looked as if he was considering something, then again he was probably just startled and expecting a fight, either way, he nodded. "Yeah, I hate arguing…with you anyway" he added seeing my sceptical face "Its fun with my mates, just a joke, we're great like that" We both laughed and that's when it hit me: he is human after all…Here we are, actually being civil…its kind of nice…

"I'd better go now my body doesn't do well without food, see you around?" He added with the air of wanting to leave the conversation at a civil end.

"Yeah, me too." I replied.

"Thanks Addy." And with that he walked out the door, leaving a very confused me standing there alone in our history classroom replaying the argument come slight conversation I just had with someone of whom has bugged the hell out of me for the past few years, and that's a point:

Thanks for what?