Alright this poem has been sitting on this computer for over a year now, the first one is just rough, the second I don't know...Elaberate?

All Is Lost

All is Lost since today,

Only to show up again tomorrow,

To leave once again,

To tease us when it is needed,

We can hope,

But it aint enough,

For it comes and goes when it pleases,

So that we will never be at peace

All is lost, it seems,

You can see it in a young girls eyes as her dreams had been shattered with one word,

Or when you look into the devestated young love's very soul after their lovers death,

Pain envolepes you as you walk further into the core of the sorrow,

Others have lost everything, while others just laugh in their faces,

Meanwhile not even their lives are perfect,

Nobody seems to care enough or are just to damn lazy to help,

If not all is lost yet, it will be soon,

unless we get off our asses and help the people around us,

Because who knows, you might follow the same fate.

Monday, November 29th, 2005

(Not Sure When Other Poem was Done)