For so long have my thoughts been only of you

At first friendship

Then lovers

Now heartache of the worst kind

But whatever the situation was, it still hurt

Every secret shared

Each loving desire,

and not one missed memory has been forgotten

You may not remember, but the love we shared was beyond any other,

None have I experienced before nor will I ever again

Now alone, I long for this passion we once had

It kills me to know you feel the same

But not about me, towards her

Which is why I must stop sulking over this

I cannot go on this way

Each little action or word from you can make me break down

Countless nights are spent mourning the loss of our love

The love that is now reincarnated to the love you two now posess for each other

With this poem in memory of you, us,,

I will no longer dwell on what once was

My hope for the future still remains

But my feeligns in the now will diminish

Even if I love you too much to forget

Let fate bring me this potential new lover

and heal me of your continued torture on my already broken heart

Only until she crushes your own someday

And our love will be stronger and more sacred than ever before

On that fateful day, our hearts will never part for the rest of time.

Goodbye, but only for a little while, my sweetheart.