AN: i wrote this ages ago. Just been too lazy to upload it though.
Notice for you
I'm your paint.
I'm your pencil. I.a.m.y.o.u.r.i.n.k.u.p.o.n.t.h.i.s.b.l.o.t.
I am your curl: unfurled.
I burn before I light your fire- sounds
like a song. Crude like your nose.
That guitar was staring at me; glaring
at me. I stabbed a pen through its eye.
Fine. Move. You went and dug up
that garden. The seeds were once again-
scattered, how had it mattered?
I'm going for absolution.
Solutions are like motions. Stab.
I know you. Y.o.u.d.o.n.'t.
Shoes. I want some new shoes.
Bling. Ka-ching. That too. She thinks:
so cool. A.c.t.u.a.l.l.y. it's not.
I'm sad. Too bad. Seriously
though, that's it; I'm through with all of this.
Only way I get attention
is noosed; swinging from that shade.