I hide behind a mask
I keep it on no matter what
Never letting anyone see my true face
Its is ugly grotesque and disgusting
I want it off
This mask I hate its suffocates me
Kills me destroys me
I want someone
Someone to hold
Someone to cherish
Someone I can say 'I love you' to
For me there is no one
This mask keeps them out
Ones who try to get close
Ones who try to care
Ones who want to be with me
This mask I hate
I want it off
I need it off
It will suffocate me
It will kill me
It will destroy me
Will someone help
Help me
It won't come off
I cannot take it off
I've tried
Not by myself
I need someone
Someone to hold me
To cherish me
To say 'I love you'
I cannot find them
I am alone
People say they are my friends
They are not
They are friends with the mask
This mask I hate
Its suffocating me
Its killing me
Its destroying me
My mind is corroding
Help me