A-Z Tangerine Poetry

Another victim flown away by the Eric Fisher Dream,

Bringing the zombies coming from each old house with Paul's dark past,

Cocky and sure Eric laughs and mocks people who did no wrong,

Daring new heights always, Eric plots and steals with a kill,

Earning his respect Paul helps in the groves at subzero,

Fighting his hardest Paul tries to learn the truth of his past he walks on,

Going to stick up for his only brother Luis stands strong in the face of Eric,

Hearing and obeying like always the idiot Arthur swings his blackjack,

Idollizing and fanastizing all have done Eric's bidding no matter what,

Jumping above all the others, Paul treated the Tangerine kids just right,

Killing and harming Paul's only friends Eric revels,

Lying to Paul his whole life about his eyes just to protect Eric from Paul's hate,

Making the Eric Fisher Football Dream come true is their dad's dream,

Needy for his past Paul struggles to remember the fragments,

Obliviously their mom flows with The Eric Fisher Dream,

Pounding the walls of Paul's head the truth lies,

Quiet but steady the Grandparents change the subject,

Running from past mistakes their mom tries to forget,

Screaming in agony as the paint touches his unprotected eyes as Castor sprays,

Thinking of the Eclipse lye beating the truth is a lie, it only made Paul hate himself,

Under estimating Paul everybody counts him as blind,

Vile and disgusting's Eric's true face not the mask he plays for all,

Winning admiration from ransacked gifts Eric and Arthur cause chaos admist the victims,

X-rays won't reveal Eric's darkness it'll only show his mask,

Yearning no longer Paul faces Eric just like Luis did standing tall,

Zapping away the lies Antoine urges Paul to be truthful even if the truth hurts.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I had to do this for Language Arts and I couldn't put the first line as 'Another victim flown away.' The teacher had to be sure that it had something to do with Tangerine, so it's kinda boring in parts but it's good enough for me...