Summary (cause I know I would want one if someone didn't update in a bazillion years): After telling James that she got an abortion, Rachel has the baby (named Anna) and carries on with her life. James and Rachel still keep in touch but soon the calls become less and less frequent. Then Rachel finds out that James has a book signing where she lives and they accidently run into each other. James is mad and Rachel lets him cool off before he confronts her again. James finds Rachel at the park where they used to go when they were teenagers, and Anna is playing on the playground. She lets James take their daughter for a couple hours so he can get to know her better...and that's where the story left off...

Sorry the summary sucked but maybe it refreshed your memory...and on with the story...

One Night

Chapter 13

What was I thinking? I thought hysterically.

I paced nervously around my apartment awaiting Anna's return.

Yeah, one side of me felt better – a lot better – when I let James take Anna to spend more time with her. But the other side, the parental side, was in distress. What if something happened to them?

So imagine my relief when someone knocked on the door. I practically sprinted over and flung it open, my worries coming to an end when I saw Anna safe and sound with James next to her. My heart did a little flutter when I saw him, but I paid no attention to that.

I let out a long sigh and I saw a frown coming over James' features. Anna waltzed right inside the small apartment, talking quietly about something, an excited grin on her face. I assumed she wanted to go and fetch her doll.

"Something wrong?" James asked, his features contorting into something I didn't recognize.

I opened the door wider so he could step in, because I felt like we still had stuff to talk about, and then shut it softly when he was safely inside. I turned around to face him, drawing in a deep breath, "Nothing…I just...I was worried."

He raised an eyebrow, "Did you not trust me with her?"

I scowled. "Stop twisting my words, James."

He crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at me, "Well, Rachel, you look like a tornado just came through, just because your daughter was gone for a couple hours. I can't help but question-"

"Question what?"

He looked at me quietly and then said softly, "Your trust in me."

I cast my eyes to the ground. I had a feeling that we weren't talking about Anna anymore. "James…" I looked back up to him. He seemed upset. "I trust you more than you know."

A dauntless look flashed across his eyes and he stepped closer to me. "Really?"

I swallowed thickly which suddenly became a hard task to accomplish. My head was spinning slightly; James was too close. I remembered the last time I felt this way…which was when I was at the party and when I was drunk. He was going to kiss me; I just knew it.

I was forced to take a step away before I jumped him myself, but I found that I was conveniently trapped between the door and the most gorgeous man ever.

My mind flew back to the question and I licked my dry lips. Wrong move. James followed my tongue with his almost-now-black eyes and I had to suppress a shiver. "Yes," I responded, but it came out in a breathless whisper. He placed his hands on either side of my head and ever so slowly dipped his head.

But his lips were only centimeters away from mine when I heard a crash from Anna's room, and I was snapped back into reality. I jumped a bit and barely avoided clipping James chin, but thankfully he turned his head quickly.

I stared at him for a second, our eyes locking, before I ducked under his arm – not to mention catching a whiff of his scent – and went to go and check on Anna. I could practically feel James' stare burning into the back of my head.

Or somewhere else…

I was red when I got to her room and I saw toys scattered all over the floor. I groaned and she turned to look at me.

"Oops," she said, blushing slightly.

James cleared his throat and I looked at him. He seemed a little embarrassed and I almost smiled. James had never been the one uncomfortable; that had always been me.

"So, I guess we have to talk about this situation a little more," I said as a look of relief spread across James' face.

He nodded his head and slowly said, "Yes, I think we should."

I wiped off one of Anna's toys and patted the couch, motioning for James to sit down. He did so with ease and my eyes flicked up to his, only to find him staring straight ahead away from me.

"What do you want to talk about first?" I asked him, because I sure as hell didn't know. What was one supposed to talk about when they were confronting the man who got them pregnant and didn't even know until a few days ago?

He sighed and I watched as he ran a long hand through his untidy hair. He didn't speak for a while and in the meantime I found myself focusing on the familiar sound coming from Anna's room, the sound of something being messed up.

"Personally, Rach, before we get anywhere, we need to talk about us," he finally said leaning back into the couch. My heart stopped for a beat, or it skipped one because I couldn't be sure.

"W-what," I cleared my throat, "What about us?" I folded my arms over my chest, something I did when I felt too…out there.

"Don't play that game, Rachel," he said quietly.

"I'm not," I responded, just as softly. "I'm just asking you a question."

"No, you used that tone," he argued.

"What tone? I did not use any tone!" I snapped back.

He scowled at me…well actually the television, and said, "Yes, you di-…Forget it, we're getting no where." There was silence again as I composed myself, and James ran a hand through his hair once again. He sighed and turned to face me, scooting a little closer while I unconsciously shifted a little back. He raised an eyebrow in amusement but the flicker in his eyes quickly vanished, replaced by something serious. His voice was quiet when he spoke, "Look, Rachel, I…I still have feelings for you. A lot actually; they never stopped, and I…want this to work. I really do." He stopped and looked somewhat embarrassed. I almost laughed had I not been so emotional.

But in fact, I felt my eyes start to water up. I thought I loved him. I think I decided that the day I was giving birth to Anna, but I didn't want to tell him that now.

I found myself fascinated with his hands and I almost blushed when I thought about what they could do, what they did do…that night.

"Rachel," James said gently, snapping me out of whatever I had been in.

I looked up at him abruptly, startled for some reason. "I…I don't know w-what to say, James."

His eyes darkened and he leaned back a little. To my mortification my body moved forward a bit as if it was following him. If he noticed he didn't respond this time. "Say you like me back."

It sounded like such a childish remark if you really thought about it, but coming from James it didn't seem all that high schoolish. In fact it was almost arousing because he had said it so demandingly. I almost licked my lips but stopped myself.

But did I really dare to tell him that I liked him back?

Hell yes.

"I like you, James," I told him, a sudden smirk appearing on my lips. James took a glance at them and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he thought better of it. Instead he graced me with the most beautiful smile that made my heart stop for a couple seconds.

"I know," he replied.

"Then kiss me," I raised an eyebrow at him and smiled. It surprised me slightly when I realized what I had said, but recovered quickly.

His lips were on mine faster than I could blink. The kiss was demanding and rough in everyway, which was just the way I wanted it to be at that moment.

But it ended way to soon and he looked at me with those dark eyes, only centimeters away from my lips. "Later, Rachel. There are so many things I want to do to you. But not with Anna just in the next room."

I almost whimpered at what he was hinting at and my eyes darkened rapidly. I noticed the growing bulge of his arousal but he looked away from me and exhaled sharply.

"We have to talk about Anna before we get anywhere else, Rach."

I slowly got my raging hormones back under control and I released the breath I had been holding.

I nodded, "Sorry, I know."

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

Yes, what were we going to do? I thought it would be awkward if I asked him to stay with us. He didn't even live here anymore; he lived in L.A. I couldn't ask him to move here. Besides, he was just here on a book signing.

It was up to him, because I was fine on my own. I always had been…I always had been happy.

Then I remembered that night when I was looking in the mirror. My reflection was so clear to me and I remember that empty bed in the background. I had been pregnant, but I didn't have the father to share it with. I hadn't been glowing like I had read in all of those romance novels when the happy newly wed bride found out she was with child. I had envied the fictional characters because they had a husband that laid their heads down on their wives' swelling stomachs, telling them that they were the most beautiful women that they had ever seen.

But James' hadn't been there. He hadn't been looking at me with love in his eyes from the bed. I hadn't been smiling back at him.

It had just been an empty bed.

And now that I realize it, I had been even emptier.

"Rachel, please don't cry," James called out softly. I hadn't realized I even was crying until he spoke. He wrapped his arms around me and laid us both down on the small couch. The space was limited but it felt so good to be held by him.

I swallowed and buried my head into his shoulder. He was so warm and I slowly calmed down. I sniffed and asked the only thing that was floating around in my head, "When are you going back?"

My words were only whispered but they seemed too loud even for me. He pressed a kiss to the side of my head.

"I don't think I will go back, Rachel," he said gently.

"James," I started to protest, even though his words made me happier than I had felt in a long time.

He silenced me by tracing my lips with the pad of his thumb. His dark blue eyes weren't on me though. He was staring up at the ceiling.

"Rachel…" He said my name in a whisper and he cleared his throat. Huh, this was big. "I'm going to be with you this time. Not just over the phone. I want to be able to touch you, and kiss you. I want to make love to you whenever I want." I shivered at his words. He looked down at me and kissed me softly. "I want to be here for Anna, so that I can watch our daughter grow. And I need to be here for you because I love you, Rach. I will never leave you again. I promise." He kissed me again and I ran my hands up to his hair.

He loves me…

He loves me…

That was the only thought that came to mind as his lips traveled to my neck. So this was what I had been missing when James was in L.A. This almost euphoric state that I was in was something that I hadn't felt since he left.

And I knew everything would be okay now because I loved him too…


The first moment we were alone, we didn't hesitate. My mom was watching Anna and I remembered the look on her face when I dropped her off. Something caught between a knowing look and amusement. I had blushed all the way back to the car.

"James," I gasped out. I was currently up against a wall in my bedroom.

"Yes?" He asked, working on my bra.

I tried to come with some excuse, "You sure you don't want something to eat before…"

He raised his head from my neck and gave me an expression full of laughter. "Why, darling, do you?" He drawled in a husky tone. He brought his head down to my breast and I moaned.

"No, I don't," I said lightly. James' shirt fell to the floor next, followed by my jeans. He grew taller, I realized, and his muscles were well toned. I ran my hands up his tan chest and around his neck.

He carried me over to the bed, and deposited me all while I undid his belt buckle. He kicked his pants off as soon as the blasted thing came undone and gave me the most heated look that shot straight to my core. I swallowed thickly as he looked down on me. His gaze traveled from my toes all the way to my eyes and for a second I thought he might not find me all that desirable anymore.

But that thought flew out the window when he jumped on me. He slid a finger into my panties, drawing them down my legs and I gasped when I felt his erection pressing into my thigh.

God, I needed him so much.

I pushed off his boxers and he groaned when he was finally freed. He kissed down my body while I writhed under him; I completely stopped breathing when I felt him kiss my womanhood.

I moaned so loudly, that I was sure the neighbors could hear, when he slowly entered into me with his tongue. He flicked my nub of pleasure occasionally, but he mainly watched me with his dark eyes as I came undone.

I arched off the bed, groaning in protest when he came back to my lips.

After some more play he finally entered me with a hard, swift thrust. That was it; we just clicked together like pieces of a puzzle. We were both breathing heavily and James groaned as we got closer and closer to climax.

He thrust into me demandingly. We both wanted each other more than I thought was possible, but I kept urging him on.

"Yes, James," I gasped out.

"You like that?" He asked roughly, pounding into me even harder.

I arched off the bed, "Yes!"

He laid his head down on my shoulder as we moved together urgently. When we came I saw stars and James completely stiffened like I remember him doing at the party. But this time he groaned as well.

A few hours later when we had to have a much-needed break I was curled up in his arms. He stroked my hair and kissed my head occasionally.

"I love you," I whispered to him. And I meant it. I loved him so much.

"I love you too, Rach," he said back

A thought occurred to me. "Jamie," I said.

"What did I tell you about that nickname?" He asked playfully.

I slapped his chest and my eyes twinkled, "You didn't seem to mind last time I used it." He grunted and I laughed softly. Then I remember what I was going to say. "We didn't use any condoms."

"You don't say," he muttered. He looked kind of tired.

I sat up, clutching my comforter to my chest, "James, I'm serious."

He tugged me back down and wrapped me in his arms again. "I don't see the problem here."

"I could get pregnant," I said as if talking to a child.

He raised his eyes to meet mine and they were filled with amusement. "It's not like it hasn't happened before," he said teasingly. My eyes narrowed.

I huffed, "You're incorrigible."

He laughed gently and went back to stroking my hair. There was silence as we were lost in our own thoughts. I felt so giddy and happy.

It got dark outside soon and my eyelids started to feel like lead. I didn't want to sleep though because I was afraid that this might all be a dream, and that James might not wake up beside me. It did seem all too good to be real.

"Rachel," James whispered beside me.

"Hmm?" I responded. My eyes started to fall shut and I struggled to keep them open.

"Rachel…" James said, "Will you marry me?"

I was aware of the soft smile that came over my face.

Yes, Jamie, yes I'll marry you.


A/n: Holy God, I cannot express through words how sorry I am about the lack of an update. I won't bombard you with reasons but it had something to do with a certain thing called writer's block. Oh how I hate it.

Anyways, story wise, I'm sorry if the ending of this chapter felt somewhat rushed. It did to me at least when I read it back over, but please know that I'm still going to do an epilogue.

I'll start working on it as soon as I get this chapter out.

Thank you everyone for being such patient people, and I'm glad you tolerate me. :)
