Oh my Gosh! You guys, guess what! I just found out we live in this giant pocket of emptiness that just appeared when time started all of the sudden. And we live in this tiny swirling thing called a galaxy. The only thing holding the galaxy together is the fact that dust likes hangin' out with dust, so... yeah, um... it kinda sticks together. At the center of our galaxy thing is this tiny itsybitsy hole that wants to suck up everything, kinda like those vacuum cleaners in movies that eat entire carpets. Yeah, it holds everything together. And there are lots of huge glowing balls scattered all throughout this pocket of emptiness and they just burn for billions and billions of years which is a measurement of this invention called time! So, that big round thing in the sky is actually one of those glowing fiery orbs! It's huge too! bigger than the earth! Isn't that amazing!?
They look at him funny. "Yeah sure, Dude. Whatever you say."