Where is the God of my childhood?
Who came thundering down in strength
Who desimated mountains with his thought
Who lovingly watched over the smallest sparrow
Where has his Spirit gone?
That once dwelt with and in me
That made the child greater than the elders
That opened minds and hearts to the wondrous
Where is My Great Father?
Who made me of love and to love
Who clothed me in peace and righteousness
Who fashioned my weapons of Truth and Kindness
Where is the Great Powerful One?
Who knew no defeat and tolerated none but first fruits
Who reigned august, majestic, with Truth in His every word
Who, through His words, I would long for death so I might truly live
Oh Great God!
Will you come and answer?
Will you show yourself? your mysteries?
Come down in all splendor and strength, Oh God!
But who can test the Lord?
Who would succeed in goading him to action?
Who would doubt His word in hope that they might see His hand?
The Lord is great and mighty,
The Lord is more constant than the stars
More terrifying than the Deep
More splendid than the dance of the celestial beings
More restful than a summer's nightThen who will doubt His power?
Who will doubt His goodness and love?
And if so, who will doubt that His way is best,
His purpose, just,
And His ends, perfect beyond all imagination.