You hurt me time and time again
Repeatedly in the same exact ways
How can it not be on purpose,
when you have every single idea of how I feel about you?
You want to hear it constantly,
Sometimes I feel foolish telling you so often
When I get absolutely nothing in return
I am so sick of waiting
Waiting for so many reasons
For you to keep your promise
For you to be where you say you will
For you to come back to me
I am so sick of you lying to me
Over and over, like I don't know what's going on
Of course I do, you know how much you mean to me
I have all these hopes, these dreams of us
That you cannot seem to stop crushing
I have some things to tell you,
not like you ever listen anyway
But, I don't appreciate you using me for your little ego boost
Or feeding me false information
Saying you love me when it's clear you don't
If you love me, you'd be with me
How can you say it's not in your hands,
when I would take you back in an instant if you'd just let me
But you won't let me
You say it's too soon
If we keep on waiting you'll be gone TOO SOON
Your logic is corrupt
You're completely wrong, and you've convinced yourself just the opposite
Stop being so goddamn stubborn
and for once just trust me
Stop thinking so hard
and yes, it is you who's doing too much thinking
So maybe I consider that unattractive
or maybe I think you are a complete asshole for all of this
Just stop hurting me
Because I don't think I can take much more heartache
My heart has already been ripped from my chest
Only to be put back as you change your mind so often
I'm beginning to wonder if you are worth all of this
I thought you were, I really did
And you probably still are
But this shit you put me through isn't at all
It's constant, and I have no doubt it won't continue to be that way
I don't use you, you use me
And you enjoy it to say the least...