Dear Reader,

You have stumbled upon what was once the draft of my supernatural romance epic, Trick. Originally published on June 23 2006, it quickly acquired something in a cult following by fictionpress users; in its lifetime, Trick has been nominated for fan-organized awards, joined the ranks of 1000+ review stories (1076 reviews, to be precise), and entertained a publishing offer. As I am writing this, Trick has received 155,804 hits, been featured in 18 C2 communities, and sits on the favorite list of 748 users. Upon its completion on December 28 2008, it numbered 34 chapters and 228,710 words-on my computer, it numbered 458 pages letterhead.

It was, in its day, no small feat-nor was it chump change.

However, after its completion, I thought long and hard about my first ever completed writing project. I had began it after a fateful 4 AM AOL Instant Messenger conversation with a friend in the summer between middle and high school. My writing ability evolved throughout my high school experience, and having serious plot holes that needed addressed, I decided to throw myself into the project then dubbed "Trick!Revised." From the ranks of Trick's growing fan base, I chose roughly ten revisers who would assist me in this task; although their efforts have not always been consistent, I would have not been able to accomplish what I have without their contributions; for this, I am eternally grateful.

After giving up on publishing aspirations, I decided to post my top-secret project on Fictionpress, to give it to the fans who wanted more, and to prove that, contrary to popular belief, there is good writing to be had on this website. On August 1, I posted the first chapter, and have been steadily posting chapters ever since.

This, theTrick draft, has now become something in a laughing stock in comparison to its makeover. And because I do not want an old picture to be my current face, I have decided to take all chapters down and instead write you this letter. Do not fret, Trickfans who have returned for a re-read; I urge you go back to my profile and read the new-and-improved Trick!Revised. Though not complete, I assure you the new depth and complexity of the characters you know and love will astound you.

However, I cannot delete this story completely. To lose any proof of two years of my dedication, blood, and sweat would be a travesty, and to lose the reviews you all have so graciously given me would break my heart. And considering the several bouts of plagiarism my loyal readers have brought to my attention in the past, I still require proof that I ownedTrickfirst.

But on that note, I leave you. Please remember the joy of your first read of Trick, and read Trick!Revised. New readers who have stumbled here, fret not: Trick!Revisedcontains all that you could have desired of this story, and more.

Forever yours,

Skylar Alexander

(November 30 2010)