So, it's a story that's been passed through a hundred people and has probably been changed a hundred times. You know, like that game telephone where you start out with, "The boy has blue teeth" and even up with "All boys love Meryl Streep". No one thinks anything of it, they hear what they want to hear.

So Janet said Bobby told her about this girl that is walking alone at night. She has just come out of the old movie theatre that plays artsy movies from the fifties Or the sixties. It doesn't matter really.

So, she is walking down the street thinking about the movie she just saw. I think it was a Bruce Willis movie or something. Anyway, she's walking, and it's dark and everything and she sees these guys across the street whispering to each other A pick up truck is parked on the side of the road and they keep glancing inside it. One of the guys is freaking out, like yelling and kicking the tires. But the girl can't hear what he is saying, since it is all high pitched and hysterical.

She can't just ignore them and since she has nothing better to do (she was at a movie alone. I know what a loner). She has nothing better to do so she steps into an alley, where the shadows hide her.

Most people would just keep walking and mind their own business right? Well I know I would. She can't really hear very well from so far because the one guy has stopping yelling. So she just watches. The guys pull a long bundle wrapped in a white sheet out of the truck bed and it flops onto the sidewalk. They drag it to the other side of the truck so she can't see it anymore. But of course she has a feeling what is in the bundle. Maybe it is because she just saw a scary movie or because she has a vivid imagination but she is sure there is blood on the sheet.

That can only mean the guys have a dead body wrapped in a sheet. She doesn't know what to do. I mean, what would you do? I would get out of there as fast as possible since if those guys could kill one person they would have no problem killing another one. But like an idiot the girl stays in the alley. She watches them drag the body into an alley on the other side of the road.

It's silent for a few minutes and she could have gotten away and gone to the police but she doesn't. Eventually the guys come out of the alley and look around to see if anyone is nearby. And suddenly one of the guys looks right at her. She presses herself against the brick wall and stops breathing. The guy glares into the alley or a least a full minute before getting into the truck. They drive away and the girl stares into the alley across the street. What can she do besides go check it out? She must be brave because if I knew a dead body was in an alley I would walk in the other direction. But she crosses the street and goes into the darkness. When her eyes adjust she can see the white sheet on the ground in front of a dumpster.

She is scared but she can't turn around. She must have some sick fascination with dead bodies or else she wouldn't get any closer. The red blotches have to be blood, she is sure of it.

She reaches out to touch the sheet and suddenly it moves. Yeah, like it was convulsing or something. This girl is gutsy but she jerks her hand back and runs out of that alley so fast that she drops her purse.

Of course she flags down a police car and tells him what happened. She is so freaked out that it takes awhile for her to get the cop back to the same alley the body is in. But the officer searches the alley and can't find anything. They think it is the wrong alley but they search every alley on the street and the bloody sheet is gone. If it had even been there in the first place.

But that's not even the weirdest past. A few weeks later, after the girl is beginning to forget about what she thought she saw she gets her credit card bill. She had forgotten to cancel it after she lost her purse.

Someone had run up hundreds of dollars buying expensive new Egyptian bed sheets. White ones.

But hey, I'm just passing along what I heard.