Boring Legal Disclaimer: It's all mine. Hands off!

This is set after a journey or adventure of some sorts and the person is obviously thinking of someone they met and loved in that time period. Closure comes to mind. It bothers me when something is lingering when something is over (an answer, a feeling, etc). There was no closure here. Everybody just went back to their normal lives.

Besides giving me your opinion, what do you think of the writing style here? It's something new for me. And oh yeah, help me with suggestions for a better title.

And don't remind me that 'start' is supposed to be past tense. I know. I couldn't find a way around it. This new style with rhyming 3 parts is hard. ;)

Walking down these dark streets
The rain never felt so sweet
But I still can see
The figures in the concrete.

A victory has been won
Everything's over and done
Back to this life
With only strangers to look upon.

If just in this moment now
If this reality would allow
You'd come after me
But there's no hope to wonder how.

I think of what has become of you
Now that everything is through
Come back our heaven
If you ever feel the need to.

The silence rips me apart
Returning to where I start
Everything you said
I took all to heart.

All I can do is smile
For just a little while
Everything we did
Was absolutely worthwhile.

Walking down these dark streets
The rain never felt so sweet
Though without you
Things seem so incomplete.