A/N: Thanks to all for the reviews and support, hopefully you will like this story as much as Concrete Angel.
Chapter Two: Dear Angel
What seems like hours later I finally walk out of the recording booth and give Chris a tired look. He just laughs and turns his attention away from me. I flop my tired body down onto the couch and let out a sigh. There is nothing I would like more than to go home and fall asleep on my warm comfortable bed.
Suddenly the door to the studio opens and Chester walks in with six cans of Sunkist in his hands. He hands them out to us before sitting down on one of the chairs and opening his can of soda. I look to my right when I feel someone sit down next to me and see Justin's smiling face. I raise one eyebrow, but a smile soon forms on my face.
"I am so glad we will be going home soon." He says with a sigh of relief.
"Eager to see Lindsey?" I ask with a smile.
"Well yeah." He says with a small smile. "I'm always happy to spend time with her."
"I'll be happy to be going home too, I will be able to sleep." I say with a laugh.
"That will be nice too." He says nodding his head in agreement.
"Hey guys I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house tomorrow for a barbeque?" Chester suddenly says.
"Can I bring Makaila?" Ben asks.
"Of course, you don't even have to ask that question."
"Okay then I'm in."
"Me too." Chris, Justin and Eric say in unison.
"Awesome, what about you Mike?" Chester asks turning to face me.
"Um... yeah I'll be there." I say not looking forward to seeing Mandy.
"Okay guys we're done for the day, you can head home." The producer Ryan informs us.
I quickly stand up and gather my things. I follow Ben out of the room and walk down the hall. Chester is beside me, but we are both silent. I walk to the front desk and greet Anna with a smile, which she returns and I quickly sign out.
"See you tomorrow Mike." She says with a sweet yet shy smile.
"See ya." I say before exiting the building.
"Where ya headed?" Chester asks me once he reaches his car that is parked next to mine.
"Starbucks and then home." I reply with a shrug of my shoulders.
"Mind if I tag along?"
"Of course not, could go for some coffee too huh?"
"Yeah it sounds really appealing right now." He says with a laugh.
"Okay well I'll see you there." I say as I unlock my door.
He nods his head and I get in my car, shutting the door firmly. I start the engine and immediately the radio comes on. I stare at it sadly when I hear Truly, Madly, Deeply playing. Hearing this song now depresses me... this was mine and Chester's song. God I really need to let go of the past! Letting out a sigh I turn off the radio and pull out of the parking lot. The drive to Starbucks in short and soon I am parking my car next to Chester's. I step out of the car and walk up to the coffee shop to see Chester waiting for me.
"It's about time you showed up! You drive slow, did you know that?" He teases me with an adorable smile on his face.
"Shut your mouth it didn't take me that long to get here."
"To you maybe, but I was the one waiting for you to get here."
"Well you exaggerate everything so that proves nothing to me."
"I do not!" He says with wide eyes.
"Whatever, let's go get our coffee."
"Fine." He says with a pout as he enters Starbucks.
I just shake my head at how adorable he is and follow closely behind him into the coffee shop. We both walk up to the counter and order two tall café mochas that I end up paying for. After we receive our drinks I walk outside and sit at a table. I light up a cigarette as Chester sits down across from me.
"You really need to quit smoking." He says staring at my cigarette.
"A lot easier said than done."
"You just need to get it set in your mind that you won't smoke anymore and you could buy some of those patches."
"But that's just it, I don't want to quit and since that is the case I won't quit. What do you care anyway, they're my lungs not yours."
"You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you. Can't you understand that?" He asks looking slightly hurt.
"Of course I can understand that, but you're not gonna be losing me anytime soon so you have nothing to worry about."
"Those things are unpredictable, anything can happen Mike."
"I realize that, but what are the chances of anything happening?"
"There's always a chance of something happening." He says stubbornly. "Why would you want to risk your life Mike?"
I let out a sigh and put out my cigarette. "The best I can do for now is think about it alright, I'm not making any promises."
"I guess I'll have to deal with that." He says with a sigh.
I nod my head in agreement as I pick up my cup of coffee and stand up.
"Where are you going?" He asks looking at me with pleading eyes.
Hmm... He must think I am mad at him or something. That is the only explanation I can come up with for his behavior.
"Home, I'm kind of tired." I answer casually.
"Oh, well alright then... I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says in a disappointed tone.
"Chester is everything alright?" I ask in concern.
"Oh no I'm fine, but... I guess I just wish you and I could hang out more." He says softly.
"Well you're gonna be seeing me again tomorrow."
"Yeah, but it's not the same cause we will be working." He says with a sigh.
"I'm coming to the barbeque tomorrow remember? We can hang out then."
"Oh yeah that's right, I completely forgot." He says with a growing smile.
I smile happily; glad to see that I could cheer him up. To this day I hate seeing him unhappy, I do anything I can to keep a smile on his face.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow Chaz."
"Alright, see ya Mike."
I nod my head before walking away and getting in my car. I quickly start the engine and pull out onto the highway, eager to get home. Today has been rather tiring and there is nothing I would like more than to get some sleep. I listen to "Every Me, Every You" by Placebo as I drive and soon I arrive at my house. I shut off the engine and step out of the car. Tiredly I walk up to my front door and unlock it. After I step into my house I relock the door and check to see if I have any messages. I am not surprised when I find there to be none cause it's not like anyone ever calls me.
With a sigh I drop my keys onto the small table a few feet away from the door and practically drag myself upstairs. Once I reach my bedroom I kick off my shoes and change into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. Slowly I walk into the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror. I run my hand through my bright red hair and let out a sigh at how shitty I look. I tear my gaze away from my reflection and brush my teeth before heading back into my bedroom. I pull back the blankets on my bed and sit down. My notebook on my nightstand catches my attention and I stare at it for a moment before grabbing it. I just randomly open it to a page in the middle and frown when I see that it is a song that I wrote entitled, "Dear Angel". I wrote it when Chester left me for the last time; I thought I was dying then. The pain I felt then is still so vivid in my heart yet at the same time a distant memory.
Dear Angel of mine,
As I sit here alone
Just thinking about everything that you said
You know since I'm alone
Well maybe after all I was better of dead
Cause without you
My life's gone down
What do I do
When I find myself wanting to die
I bleed for the second time tonight
Hold you with all that's in my mind
If only my love could be with you
If only this pain, this pain died too
I'll break you away
So break you away
So break you away, away, away from me
So break you away, away, away from me
Sincerely Yours...
Dear Angel -by April Sixth
A/N: Hope this chapter was alright. I know it wasn't the best, but I'd really appreciate some feedback.