…Dad hauled you in,
His train ride,
Left, and went on
His trip,
Some time ago;
- How long? -
- Where? -
…And Mom,
With whom you were with,
For more than earthly years,
Is standing now
On another platform;
- How long? -
- Where? -
…And I got on
Some rails with you,
Your little brother;
For many times
We said 'goodbye',
But every time,
We waited,
Until you came,
To embrace
The new passengers,
And said
Our 'hello again'-s:
What a good times,
We had,
What a great moments
We shared…
I don't know
How long?
I don't know
Just a moment ago…
…And Mom
Giving you
"Daddy is waiting
For you,
He will pick
You up…
Now don't you
I love you…"
…And I?
Don't know
How long?
Don't know
Must be
In just a moment…
Are waiting for you,
Will pick you up,
…Your train
Will leave,
Got to get on;
- How long? -
- Where? -
Until that next embrace;
… And now,
Don't you forget;
I love you…