how can we live
if we don't know what life is

and even if we did,
when we look behind the facade
are we really content with how we feel?

how many people can find
the hope they search for everyday?
not everyone can live with the guilt
that we see on the news as we
share the food with our friends and family
while the homeless, the dying, the hurt, the starved
look into the cameras imagining
what if i had that?
what if i had that?

Acceptance of the situation,
ignorance is the word,
we go on with our selfish lives,
we think not of others,
webuy our wants and needs,

but see what i see now,
tear apart the cloth that covers your eyes
the one that protects the hurt
the powerlessness of you
as the real world crumbles
and the cliche life you lead falls
when you see 'life' isn't life.

empathy will kick in
it will leave a mark,
you can't tuck it away forever,
because it hurts
and hurt will re-surface
the world will show itself to you
and soon guilt,
it isn't worth living with,
and life,
will haunt you,
till you find your place
on this planet.
