I'm a bit saddened. No one reviewed. Not one.
Not even a single soul reviewed!
Oh well, maybe the second chapter might get some reviews. (Begs reviewers, offering candy and cookies... yes it is pathetic... I know.)
I'll try to make this a bit longer than the last chapter... I know the last was short... and this will be longer I swear.
Well please read. I swear I will give this story up if no one reviews. It's just not worth it if you have some 3 other stories that people really like.
So yeah.
That really depressed me.
Great timing...
And yes, so I am going to get to the chapter...
Please REVIEW...
Anyway, hi again, here's the chap.
Chapter Two: Defy Judgment
You will ignore their attempts again prince. You will need to learn that these false attempts of purity are not purity at all, but pure devilish greed. You must never trust them, for they are the enemy, but still, even if they are your enemy, treat them with respect.
I stood amongst the line of other royalty nobles and lower nobles, keeping those words in mind. I glanced at my father, appearing as austere as always and cold, his face like a stone.
I was taller than he was, as well as definitely more fair-minded and tolerable on top of that, which made him fear me. He always spread rumors about me, thinking I did not know. He just did not want to give up his rule as the king to his eldest son who he could not control.
I noticed a group of girls, not pretty at all for they were splattered in make-up, but trying their best to edge their way next to me unnoticed. They were giggling madly, whispering to each other with their hands over their mouths.
I sighed. I heard ever word they said and it was so depressing to be called cute and handsome, charming and... Uh... I'm just grossing myself out.
I edged farther away from them, unlike them, completely unseen. I stood opposite of my father now but he didn't realize it for all the people stood in a rough semicircle that had two lines extending from it, though keeping a large area for the angel embassy to land with the dragons.
He was dressed in dark black robes, the traditional demon clothing for formal events. I had been forced to wear a robe as well, but mine was a deep blue on top and instead of a true robe, I had silk pants that were loose enough that they looked similar enough to the robes that I despised so much.
I typically don't like skintight robes, like the one my father was wearing. Even my brother, who was controlled by my father, disliked them, and had convinced my father to let him use one of my robes.
"Having fun?"
I didn't move as the figure stood next to me, slightly shorter as he was. The long haired blonde haired man smiled and leaned back on his heels with a strong sense of laziness.
Typical Razim. He lives life to be lazy.
If that makes any sense.
"Hell of a time Ra."
"Apparently so Rurik... oh excuse my rudeness, Prince Rurik..." He corrected himself as this creepy old hag glared at him and began to curse at him for the 'impoliteness of youngsters these days'.
I snorted as watched the skies, expecting the dragons. "Your rudeness is excused," I replied, not taking my eyes off the dark skies.
Razim rolled his eyes and turned to watch the skies, suddenly more alert. He knew as well as I did that these angels were going to try something different this time. Stubbornness was the most common demon trait... They knew that.
I almost felt my eyes turn demon as I felt the dragons burst through the skies. Personally I had never trusted the ancient creatures, and now six of them were heading through the skies at a steady rate, their wings pumping through the air. You see why I'm not happy with the situation?
I stole a quick glance at Razim. His blue eyes were tainted with a deep green, but his pupils were narrowing in a burst of sharp power. Slowly his ears angled to points, and I'm sure his two canine teeth were lengthening.
The dragons' auras were angry and agitated, and anyone that sensed this was nervous, expecting a fight.
I sighed.
Why did the angel's have to bother us like this?
The six dragons landed, each pair settling to the ground with a harsh clash, sending the carriages behind them into an unsympathetic, bumpy landing.
Being on land where they were born and used to, the dark black dragons were becoming more settled. The caretakers were taking them away, putting the overly large crowd to ease.
Razim looked at me, looking more relieved as well, reflecting what I chose not to show at that second.
The first angel that came out of the first carriage was the "Angel of Affairs." He came every time and I grinned, knowing my father was going to have a hell of a time with him.
One by one, six angels walked out of the two front carriages. They were angels that had come before and now no one cared about them, for it was nothing new. All the attention was on the last carriage. I took notice that the angels, even the ones that appeared not to care, were waiting as well.
A tall man stepped out, aiding another figure who more slowly climbed down, the carriage door silently clicking shut again.
The female figure had long flowing silver hair, reaching her trim waist. She was talking lowly to something and slowly I noticed the small fox that uncurled itself and yawned tiredly.
The creature looked at us with a look that made you think it did not really care about us at all, its dark cerulean orbs blinking, its tail thrashing in warning.
The girl turned to us, and even I have to admit, it wasn't what I expected. Apparently the angels were resorting to beauty.
I stole a glance at my father and brother, and they had obviously fallen for the charm of the girl already.
Razim let out a low chuckle, seeing who I was looking at. "Apparently I'm not the only one that thinks she's gorgeous… What do you think?"
"Ra, I think they're just trying to make this deal. To them, it's all about power. Keep that in mind, friend."
Razim rolled his eyes, ignoring me fully and focused his attention, like the rest of the demons, on the girl.
I found myself watching her as well, watching her every movement. For a second she almost seemed a bit lost, her eyes reflecting a bit of pain. She must have left someone important behind.
She was dressed in a silver robe, with a light almost clear jacket over her shoulders and chest, with small blue flowers flowing along the edges of the robe fabric. Her skin had a slight tan to it, a milky appearance. She had a glow that was unlike her companions, one that was fuelled by an inner power.
She hooked her hand through the waiting male's arm, though his face showed only a tint of the anxiety I knew he was feeling.
I could see her shock as a long sword was brought in front of them. The male's face mirrored hers as the guard, seemingly very reluctantly, spoke to them.
"You can't take the little fox in miss."
The girl turned to the sacred fox, muttering sharp ancient words. The fox growled its annoyance and stood up, carefully running down the girl's outstretched arm, and jumping off. Midair it seemed to change. When it landed, you could see that it really had changed, from a docile little fox, to a wolf like creature that reached the tall girl's waist.
The girl spoke, her words sharp and careful. "Sir, he's my protector, just like Noble Avrazin," she said indicating to the slightly taller male, still standing at her side.
The guard seemed in a furious debate. "But... we don't have anything within the castle suited for... that."
The dark golden wolf snorted lightly, its annoyance evident, apparently understanding our language. The girl turned to it again. "He has a valid point little one," she sighed, "please Rin..."
The wolf growled, voicing its opinion of all the unneeded morphing, his fangs pulling back to show white fangs. It once again glowed with a strange light, pushing itself onto its hind legs.
The fur shrunk back, smoothing into fabric. The wolf's eyes lost their animal appearance and its feet lengthened and grew, straightening. The face of the creature completely changed, into an elfish appearance.
The young teenage child didn't seem to be an angel or a demon, but rather a mix of both. The child clung to the male angel as if fearful of the demons in the angel elf form it had taken on. His young eyes were dilated in uncertainty, with a strange flash of rage and anger.
Finally the guard let the threesome pass, his eyes never leaving the small child, who apparently was a sacred fox changeling.
I had a friend that was a changeling, though once, such a long time ago though. They banished him from the walls of the castle when they learned his innocent secret. I never had a chance to defend him, and I never got a chance to say good-bye, never seeing him again...
The male angel stopped and motioned for the female to walk to the king. She cast him a quick nervous glance, though flashing a confident smile at the boy, but did as she was told, bowing to the king with an easy grace.
"M'lord, here we stand on your grounds, under your rule. We're here, as you should know, to request audience with your council respectfully," she said, her voice smooth and seemingly not uncertain.
My father, the king, took a step forward, his eyes traveling over her. She visibly tensed, her teeth clenching, and seemed a bit unnerved. Her face flushed slightly as she caught my brother's gaze also on her. She began looking more uncomfortable, and suddenly her jacket turned into a deep silk white, not as clear as before since it was an opaque color now.
Though the king looked surprised, he addressed her. "Well my dear, so you are the princess of the angels?" The girl nodded, the long earrings dangling from her ears shining in the dim light.
"I am the king of these lands... This is my son, Kavri."
My younger brother, on my father's cue, stepped forward and took the girl's gloved hand, kissing it. The girl seemed unmoved by the gesture. "It's a pleasure, princess..."
The girl's eyes narrowed, but the smile stayed. "Likewise."
I knew that my father would try to get this angel girl for my brother. He controlled my poor younger brother, foolish as my brother was, and this was showing him what power entitled him to apparently.
The girl seemed confused for a brief moment, bewilderment flashing through her sharp facial features.
"Don't you have another son? An older son?" She asked slowly.
The king hesitated. Obviously he had not wanted to introduce me to such important guests.
Especially the princess.
"Yes, but I believe that he is not present here today." Razim gave me a sharp look; his blue eyes still tainted a somewhat green color, though the gold tint had vanished after the dragons had been escorted out. "He has no taste for manners and an event such as this, unlike Kavri does..."
Such a liar.
Though true I don't really care for this.
Razim looked at me with a curiosity in his eyes. I knew he wondered why I didn't say something.
But to them, to her, to the angels, I did not exist.
I backed up into the crowd, the men and women filling in my space as if I was never there. Razim stood, mostly blocking my retreating form from view.
Just then the girl turned, her eyes locking with mine.
Out of all the people in the crowd.
I stopped for a moment, her clear cerulean eyes searching my darker green eyes with a look of confusion, of brief pain. I saw her eyes narrow and I lowered my eyes, breaking the brief connection.
I finally slipped through the still gathering crowd, vanishing from her sight, as well as any other royal noble that had been there.
So there still are no reviews...
So guess what?
I'm going to advertise!
Are you surprised?
Nina-Chan: I swear you're one of the best writers I've ever met but you keep denying it... and denying it... Well anyway, if you get a moment, even just a moment, take a look at her stories and poems. They are really good. She's under my favorites. If you don't want to look far, I have some of her best pieces on my favorites list as well.
EmoAssassin: If you liked this kind of life and death kinda thing, poems that are deep and make you feel what she's feeling, and even just for the touch of originality, you'll love her stuff. I mean LOVE it. She's got so many people that love her stuff, me among the people that love it a lot. Please read her stuff. EmoAssassin is also under my favorites list, and I have quite a few of her best stories (I liked them best anyway) under my favorite stories.
NOTE: We also write under the penname of 'Twins of Darkness' please read that if you get a chance. Please? We're just starting that joint account. If you have comments on our stories or if you're confused about how the flip chapter thing works just email What can I say? If anyone is more original that her... well... I don't know. Her writing makes you seem like you are actually there. It's so good. (She's gotta update soon –glares- anyway...) She is under NOT HERE... make sense?
Angel Neko-Jin: What to say? I don't know if I've truthfully ever read a better tragedy piece for a one-shot. That was really fantastic. If you like very well written pieces, romance, humor, tragedy... and really anything else you can think of, you should really consider reading her stuff. And I'm telling you, she needs to update soon or she might get strangled by me... Not really, I'm not violent. But anyway, she as well is on I repeat... She's a really great writer and you should check her out.
Armith-Greenleaf: She's both here and there. and Fiction press). She's probably among the authors which I list as some of the best authors I'll ever know. EmoAssassin, Nina-Chan, Angel Neko-gin and Truble are also on that list if I may say. Please read her stuff and I'm sure she'll appreciate it.
So there you have the advertisements for my friends and fellow writers.
And now, I need to go.
So bye, Auf Wiedersehen.
-Phoenix (TAD)