God is Laughing at You
(To loosely quote Duo Maxwell, "There is no God. There is only a God of Death. I haven't seen any miracles, but I sure have seen a lot of dead people.)
(I'm releasing this one around Halloween, but it's not Halloween related at all, I just dreamed this this morning and was like, I have to write a poem or something! And zomg, here it is :-D)
T'was a bright, sunny day in a town by the bay.
Where in a small cottage, a little boy lay.
Do as he may, his boredom would stay.
But not today, oh no, not today.
You see, the boy was very fond of stories.
Stories awful, grim, and gory.
So he entered the forest, beginning our story.
His family wept: memento mori.
He wandered 'till the skies so blue
Took on a rather dire hue.
The night was dark and Jack Frost blew
His icy wind to bid adieu.
Terrified, the boy sought shelter
Inside dimly lit architecture.
"Lie flat on the ground," an old man began.
The boy did as told, according to plan.
The man donned a white glove on a clearly dead hand.
Across the boy's body his eyes started to scan.
The young boy could now see.
That his doom was to be.
For his life he did plead,
"Please don't do this to me!"
A wide, fiendish smile spread across deceased lips.
Then "tap, tap, tap" went his rotting fingertips.
Through the boy's flesh the worn, sharp scalpel ripped.
The boy lay motionless as tears and blood dripped.
The boy decided to pray, as he knew he was through.
"Oh please God, if you're there, save me, I beg you!"
The murderer laughed and without any rue,
Said, "You waste breath, my boy! God is laughing at you!"