Chapter 10

"Oh My God!" my mother exclaimed putting a hand to her cheeks, "Jay I think we need to call everybody."

"I agree honey." He paused and turned to me, "Come with me Sen we'll explain everything just wait until everybody's here okay?"

"Yes, but did you?" I asked wanting to know whether my father was a murderer.

"Not personally, listen to me sweetheart it was an accident we are going to explain just stay here for a minute." He led me to the main sofa and pushed me down on it before going to help Ma call up everyone. Who everyone is I have no idea.

"Ma who's everyone?" I asked when she came to sit by my side.

"You'll see darling come here." She folded me in her arms and kissed my forehead, "You know that we both love you very very much don't you?"

"Yes I do Ma, I know."

"Good I'm glad."

"They're on their way." My Dad said coming into the room and sitting on my other side.

"Listen to me sweetheart, what we're about to tell you is a very touchy subject and we have to be careful telling you, okay?"

"That's fine dad I understand." I said, yes I know they were treating me like a child but at the moment I felt like a child.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and my Auntie and Uncle walked into the house.

"What's up Sis?" Zach asked surveying the scene.

"Sen knows Zach."


"Yes you'd better sit down we've called all the old gang who live near."

"That's a good idea, did you tell her who…?"

"No we decided not to yet."

"Excuse me Ma, Uncle, I am sitting here." I finally spoke up standing.

"Its okay sweetheart come here." My Dad said gesturing me to sit down next to him and hug him, "Remember what I said it's a touchy subject, we haven't talked about it for about sixteen years, and we never wanted you to find out this way."

"I understand." And after I said that the bell rang again and it didn't stop ringing until about thirty people were stood in front of me. So I'm being a bit dramatic there were only about twenty people in front of me.

"So why did you call us all here Jules, Jay what's the emergency?"

"Sen knows what happened seventeen years ago." My Dad said speaking up, and immediately the whole room went silent.

"What do you want to know Sen?" Someone asked.

"I want to know who? Who did it?"

"I did it Sen darling." My Auntie stepped forward the guilty look on her face was too much to ignore.

"And I want to know why?"

"I can explain that honey but I think everybody should get comfortable it's a long story." I watched as people sank into nearby chairs and some sat on the floor mostly.

And then I listened to my Ma's long story. What my grandfather had done, what my grandmother did, what she did to Zach and my Mother, how my Dad helped. By the end of her speech I was crying. So was she and maybe about half of the people in the room.

"How come you didn't tell me before?" I asked through the silence.

"We wanted to wait for the right time, now we have to ask you how did you find out?"

"My teacher Miss Cane she set a paper for finding out what happened in the town in the past thirty years we had to look at newspapers."

"Which teacher did you say?"

"Miss Cane, why?" My Mother stood up and went into the kitchen.

"What's up with her?" I asked.

"I'll find out." My Dad said standing up.

"That Bitch, that absolute fucking cow, how dare she…!" I heard my mother yell at my Dad, I knew it was bad my mother never swore unless it was a big thing.

"She knew Jay! She knew everything!" she yelled again.

"What the fuck do you mean she knew?!" My Dad yelled back, he hardly ever swore as well.

"I told her everything!"

"You told her! When?"

"When you were down here snogging Hannah!"

"Oh no Jules I was not snogging her and you know that!"

"That's not the point Jay, Miss Cane knew and she did this on purpose!"

"We don't know that honey," my Dad had stopped shouting.

"Stop trying to reason with me Jay!" My Ma however hadn't, "She was my teacher, I knew her she would have done it on purpose!"

"Listen to me you raving cow!" my Dad shouted back through her shouts.

"Jeez, I'm sorry Jay." She said, "I'm sorry I told her."

I didn't hear the rest of it because they began whispering.

"Who are all of you?" I asked quietly.

"We are you're parents friends, we were there when your grandma snuffed it."

"Shut up Blaze,"

"Well it's true."

"But I think she means what are our names, am I right Sen?"


"Okay well I'm Lise, and this is Blaze my Husband, we were together when your parents started dating."

"I'm Megan and this is Nadia." Megan introduced herself and Nadia.

Everybody introduced them selves to me and I could vaguely remember some of their names being mentioned before.

"If you all were such good friends how come I've never seen most of you before?"

"We actually I don't really know why we became apart from Jay and Jules. I think it's because they had you and didn't want us to be a bad influence on you."

"We're really sorry we never kept in touch and we're really glad you could come to support us." My Ma said walking into the room with my Dad in tow.

"No problem Jules, it can be just like the good old days, when we did all the cheerleading." A man said, I think he said he was called Jacob.

"Oh Jake it's good to see you again." My mother went over to him and hugged him tightly, "How's your husband doing?" Jesus he was Gay!

"Merc's fine he passed his law degree finally, I can't tell you how much stress that putting on my hands."

"Your hands?"

"Yes because when he got stressed he could only let loose with a nice hand j-"

"Jake my daughter is sitting right over there."

"Oh yeah sorry about that." I giggled.

A/N – I know very late again just shoot me (Hannah can have that privilege), I've been so busy so I hope everyone who was reading before is still reading now.

Thanks for all the reviews I would answer them but I need to do loads more updateing to catch up on what I missed.