Too scared to ever come out
No one's ever tried to help me
It's too late to get rid of these chains
That bind me to eternal oblvion
It's so much colder
Now that I'm getting older
It's almost too much too bear
I used to be free
A teen without a care
But now I'm restricted by this fear
I'm the only one in the dark
While everyone's basking in the sun
I'm the only lonely one
With an unwanted mark
Who am I to get myself out
I'm only a coward standing in the night
You're the only one who can get me into the light
But I feel that it's never going to happen
There's nothing left for me to do
And now I'm in the street without a clue
I haven't been in my best state for a while
And now I'm slowly regretting letting you go
It's too hard for me to turn back
To let you know
I know you've moved on
And I can't help but silently cry
I want you to come back to me
But I'm being haunted by this fear
I can't get out of this aching path
But I better suck it up before I die
I'm the only one in the dark
While everyone's basking in the sun
I'm the only lonely one
With an unwanted mark
Who am I to get myself out
I'm only a coward standing in the night
You're the only one who can get me into the light
But I feel that it's never going to happen
Don't tell me who I need to blame
I already know the name
I'm well aware that it's me who brought you to sadness
And I regret letting you go
But please, please
I beg of you to stay
I'm in the dark
All alone
I'm in the street
Wanting to be at home
I'm by the shore
Waiting to swim to you
But I can never get out of this dark oblivion
I'm the only one in the dark
While everyone's basking in the sun
I'm the only lonely one
With an unwanted mark
Who am I to get myself out
I'm only a coward standing in the night
You're the only one who can get me into the light
But I feel that it's never going to happen
Never gonna happen
Never gonna happen
So now I stand in this black oblivion