Like a ninja assasin

behind ever corner you lurk.

Just a fleeting connection

between your eyes and mine

and I am off guard.

Oh take your time

nemisses of mine!

Kill this heart slowly

charge these eyes blind.

Those hands, those hands

oh those hands!

See how they move

feigning normalcy.

But I know, what you cannot hide,

that those hands

are so very skilled

in the most ancient of arts.

You claim ignorance

no recognition at the sight

of my sorry stance.

But no man can be so unaware

of the sight of a damsel

drowning in a puddle

of the most cliched of plights.

So when I die

for surely I will

do not trouble your pretty head.

But I do beg of this pretty pretty head

to at least honor me the respect

of refusing to forget.