i whispered into your ear
that i was waiting for
a knight in shining armor
with the code of chivalry
tattooed into his skin.
and yes, sweetie
this means that i'm
n o t waiting for you.
but you ignore my words.
you say i speak with my eyes,
and that i'm too big of a tease
to wait around for a hero.
"i'll be your knight for a night, baby,"
and you offer this alternative, so that
i don't have to wait around for some boy
who'll probably just break my heart anyway.
you promise me candles, and
candy-coated compliments,
and you woo me with the fact
that romeo and juliet were
together for only a night,
and yeah, i was tempted,
but i still said, "no"
'cause nothing's ever tragic
when you already know it's going
to end in the morning anyway.
and yet, somehow,
i found myself
running after you,
grabbing your shoulders,
turning you around,