Ten years and under
This is the part where I would tell you my name, the other people that will be in this story, and what we look like. Of course, I can't describe us well. If I'm correct I'm failing
English. Give me a second let me quickly…
Yep, a D- In my last test but please who really gets English literature anyway. It is like a bunch of stuff people wrote a bazillion years ago. So back to the main event, I don't even know how to describe the horror that is my life, with the evil people who inhabit it. In my defense I would like to say that I am the victim. The innocent one who damage was caused on. I had just woken, the honey golden sun shone through my golden framed windows, and my twin brother and sister flew down towards me like cherubs and fed me berries and fresh fruit from the orchard. Pssh, yeah right that would be the day! My name is Michaela Matthews , I am part of the famous Matthews triplets. My brother is the jock, my sister is the popular cheerleader and I am the social outcast.
He sat on my brother's bed, topless playing on his P.S.P. He did not have the body of a ten year old he looked at least 12. Jay was downstairs getting ice lollies. He didn't even need to turn around. I knew that he knew that I was there
"Michaela, come in or wait for me to come out. Either way really…"
I blushed
"Why, Tae?" I mumbled pulling my dress down, which suddenly felt too short and too tight.
"Because I want to hang with you, Pudding" he muttered "DUH!"
End of flashback
Lunchtime at PS Avenue High School, dinner hall
Today's specialty stale pizza
Michaela's POV
I looked around at the other tables. Girls were sitting and giggling, talking about desperate housewives and there boyfriends. I wish one of them would talk to me or say hi I want to be one of them; I want to be a girl. I want to hang out with someone who is outside our little friendship group, female or male. What was the point to of being born one if I could not be one? Instead, I am known as the weird fat girl who clings onto her brother for friends or the dyke who hangs out with her brother so she can check out other girls. Once the gym teacher had to keep on eye on me when I was changing so I would not be tempted to look at the other innocent girls trying to put their clothes on. Yeah right, in senior year no ones that innocent. If they are it will probably be taken this year, innocents don't last long. Senior prom only really has one purpose for many teens across this great nation.
"Look it actually has jugular in this essay, Miss Wilks asked me to do" Chris sniggered nudging a bemused Tristan. I looked at Jay and Tae who both shrugged and went back to talking about Jay's latest girlfriend, Bethany James. As Jay is a jock, loved by all envied by most you would expect Bethany to be a bitchy cheerleader or a nice girl but she is neither Bethany is blonde and has massive floatation devices strapped to her chest.
However, Bethany is also one of the most scheming evil cleverest person I have ever met and even though she is a cheerleader do not be fooled. Those cheerleading girlies are smarter then they look. They call her the mutilator because of her ridiculous strength and height, Bethany is the scariest girl in existence.
"What's the essay about?" I asked, Chris shrugged and looked at me.
"Don't knows? Something to do with muscles" Chris replied
"What does Jugular mean?" Tristan asked poking his pudding, in a bored tone.
"It's the study of jugs, breast you know like Tory..." Chris began. I gave him one of my 'you-will-be-sorry' glares. Chris blushed and gulped hard before taking a handful of nachos and stuffing it in his mouth. I shook my head, what else could I expect from Chris? He talks, insults and is beaten up before he thinks.
Chris Harding
Age: 17
Occupation: Captain of the football team /quarterback (resident idiot)
Description: Dirty blonde hair…with uh…aqua green eyes, the type of tanned skin you see in those tanning adverts. The good ones not the bad ones, the natural tan thing. He also has freckles which are sprayed across the bridge of his nose and looked like they were kissed gently onto his back. In other words Blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin…oh with pearly whites. He's the baby of the group in age, features and brains.
We all sat there looking at each other, we all knew Tristan was a bit sensitive since Tory broke up with him, but seriously, he could do better. Tory is the shallowest person in existence. She even admitted it while going out with Tristan, was just so she could get close to Tae, Chris or Jay. Lord only knows why. Tristan was better than all three of them combined, and no this isn't a biased view just because I'm absolutely in love with him and have been since 7th grade. That doesn't mean anything. Tristan is smart, cute, clever and so…. Tristan.
Tristan Woods
Age: 18
Occupation: Defense on the football team (Owner of my heart)
Description: hazel curly hair, with mocha skin, I think he's Mexican or Jamaican . Also, the nicest boy in the whole world and he's at least 6'2 a whole like 4 inches bigger than I am.
"Pudding excels in Jugular studies" Tae laughed
"Don't call me that!" I said through gritted teeth. I turned to glare at him. Of all places to talk about my large boobs, right here in front of Tristan was so not appropriate. Dirty pervs
"Jugular" Chris laughed
"Baby don't glare at me, I promise there is enough of me to share between you and Darryl," Tae laughed, his infectious laugh flowing through the cafeteria, causing every girl to turn to look at the school proclaimed hottie. Fluttering their fake eyelashes while glaring at me from beneath them.
"Oh please let me get the top, I have seen the disappointing bottom and let's just say disappointing doesn't begin to describe it" I replied, Tae blushed a deep red and leaned over to reply but thankfully Jay intervened.
"Tae, Mike stop it, you know I hate it when you fight" Jay said, stuffing another slice of pizza into that Hoover he calls a mouth
"We are not fighting, we are viciously flirting. Trust me if you think this is bad you should see us when we get physical, the claws come out and not much stays on" Tae chuckled, Jay stood up knocking his drink over.
"What the fuck? What do you two get up to when I'm not around" Jay shouted, everyone including the boys in the cafeteria turned to look at us, burning holes into our heads with the intensity of their concentration. As you can see when Jay talks people listen. Though the stares I were getting were just glares and screw faces by girls who thought I was a total bitch because of who my friends are. Some people really have no lives.
"Nothing" I whimpered, as Jay's face turned a dark shade of red. My brother is taller, bigger and visciouser, wait is that even a word. Let me just say vicious.
"Don't lie, baby. What we have is so special" Tae laughed, Jay looked at me, then at him then back at Tae and sat down shaking his head, realizing that Tae was lying.
"One word, Darryl" I replied, Tae went silent. Thank the lord I was born with a sister. We sat for 5 minutes in silence before the grim reaper opened his gob and ruined it.
" .laah" Tae drawled, I hated it when he called my name like that adding unnecessary syllables. He knew I hated, I knew I hated because well I'm me and he's him…he knows I hate it and he does it.
"Taylor, I know speaking English and keeping up with the rest of the human race is a difficult task but my name is Michaela" I replied. Sniggers and chuckled were shared amongst our table. I allowed a smile spread across my face. 20 points to Michaela. She shoots, she scores! Tae hates it when anyone calls him Taylor, I don't know why and don't care to ask. Tae leaned into me until only I could hear him.
"Little miss piggy, just pass me a slice," he muttered, I grabbed the box of pizza and shoved it at him, and he sent a sickeningly sweet smile at me. I felt my stomach clench, Tae and I always had fights but I never thought he would sink as low as to bring my weight into it. I'm not fat or anything…well I hope I'm not. People are always telling me I'm curvy, don't know how they can tell as I'm always wearing baggy clothes to hide my lumpy shape. You have to learn to when you have a sister like Darryl. Tall, fiery amber red -head with tanned skin and pouty lips. Add the cherry on top that she is the school's most popular girl and best friends with the head cheerleader.
"Well some of us don't like the anorexic look" I said in outrage standing and pushing the chair back. I could feel my face getting all red and strands of hair sticking to my hot sweaty face.
"Mike, are you okay?" Jay said now looking at me, the rest of the guys were all looking at me now. I could have spluttered out what Tae said and Jay would have decked him and that would be the end of their friendship, of this little group, of my only friends
"Yeah, just getting a bit excited," I replied calmly sitting down, Tae sent his famous bad-boy grin at me, before placing the rest of the pizza before him.
"Eat up" he said smiling at me. In other words he was saying eat up so you have enough to feed your fat bulbous body. I felt the tears blind me and sting my eyes. Jay shook his head and went to go and buy a drink.
"I heard the mysterious red robin struck again last night" Chris began
Tae Harrods
Age: 18
Occupation: Defense (F J) my mother always told me never to swear.
Description: Dark hair, grey eyes, tanned skin, nothing special. He's is the biggest jerk in history ever since we became friends with him in 5th grade, he has been whaling on me. He is a jackass who loves himself.
I picked up the slice of pizza and stuffed it into my mouth, practically choking on it, just to stop myself from crying. I hate crying in front of Tae, I always do for some reason even when I met him. I was crying.
She sat in the sand box crying, her hair tumbled all over her face. Her hair in piggy tails, her white flowery dress, covered in dirt marks
"Are you okay?" I asked, she lifted her head, a defiant glare directed at me.
"If I was, I wouldn't be crying, now would I?" she growled jumping out and pushing me over. I jumped back up and pushed her back. She tumbled over her untied laces and hit her head on the side of the box.
"Oops, I'm so sorry" I mumbled holding out a bag of marshmallows, her bottom lip quivered, her green eyes because cloudy and shaky and tears streamed down her face.
"I said, I'm sorry," I whimpered
"Thank you" she sobbed stuffing a handful of marshmallows in her mouth, you would think that she would save me one at least.
End of flashback
Tae's P.O.V
I looked at Michaela as she gagged on her pizza like a mad woman, I could tell she was trying to stop herself from crying. I sighed. I shouldn't have said that statement. Michaela had always been sensitive about her weight lord knows why. She isn't fat but she isn't skinny like Darryl. She's got shape to her though. Curvy in all the right places, though it is kind of hard to tell with her baggy old maid jogging bottoms covering them. When you have a body like Michaela I would think you would try and compliment areas of your body not ruin it, but Michaela is weird after all. No one understands her way of thinking.
Michaela Matthews
Age: 18
Occupation: Uuh…like she could keep a job (Best friend's sister)
Description: weird brown red hair, which always looks messy, green eyes that are about to burst into tears at any moment, curvy and medium tall height.
I could vaguely hear Chris discussing the 'red robin' girl my eyes were 100 on Michaela.
"Mike..." I began offering her my drink, swishing it around n her face.
"TAEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Screamed a voice. I turned around to face the famous princess of the school. Darryl Matthews of the Matthews triplets, Jay, Darryl and Michaela Her red hair in a quaff, with her Louis Vutton slung over her shoulder and her posse in tow. Darryl smiled at me showing off her perfect set of teeth, before plunking herself on my lap and eating my pepperoni slice. I mean who cares if I haven't eaten all day, who cares if I got football practice and no money and was so desperate I had to borrow money from Michaela just so I could feed myself only to have Darryl eat it?
"Where were you yesterday?" she asked in between bites, dripping blobs of sauce onto my diesel jeans. I know It sounds shallow pointing out they are diesel but they are my favorite jeans. Loose and comfy, man jeans.
"Dentist's, princess. I thought since I can't buy you diamonds, at least I can get you some pearly whites" I replied gleaming my teeth at her, she smiled and threw her head back in fits of laughter. I shook my head softly.
"Darryl, that wasn't a joke. It was more of a flirty line" Michaela replied. At least one of them got it.
"How would you know? Boyfriend non- existent" Darryl sneered wrapping her arms around me. Michaela has never had a boyfriend… or any that I know of. But because of that, it makes her an easy target for Darryl to pick on. If Jay was here than Darryl would have never said that. I know for a fact that both of the girls were scared of their big brother. Who wouldn't be tough now I think about it. Jay is a scary tall guy, the only person scarier than him was Bethany 'the mutilator' Matthews. She is and always will be the scariest person I know with her long crushing legs, her malicious ideas and her fist of steel which have nasty habit of numbing and bruising your arm when they come in contact with those jackhammers, nevertheless she is hot.
Marvin 'Jay' Matthews (why we call him Jay I do not know)
Age: 18
Occupation: best friend
Description: I'm a guy how am I meant to know, hmm… brown hair, green eyes, taller than me looks like his sisters but with short hair, manly jaws, muscles and balls, also has been declared as officially whipped.
"Hush, D. what do you want anyway?" I asked irritated. She came out of nowhere and just started an instant argument. I hated that, I hated it when people do that. At least they have siblings, I have always been alone since…Dylan. Jay sits back down next to me. He has a massive grin slapped on his face like he had been up to something.
"Hey Jay" Darryl giggled, beaming her butter-would-melt –in -her- mouth smile.
"Hey" he replied. Darryl flicked her gorgeous amber hair and placed a kiss on my mouth. She winked and walked off with her girls and our pizza in her arms. I turned back to the table, Jay was looking into the sky like a fool probably thinking about Bethany, Tristan was sitting with his head on his arms, Chris was trying to read the dictionary upside down while Michaela was burning a hole into Darryl's back. I scowled at Michaela, if she was not so weird and tried to act more like a girl, I bet you she would actually have a friend who is a girl and maybe be pretty, get a boyfriend and stop being such an emotional nutcase.
"Don't hate, Pudding appreciate," I said smiling at Darryl as she walked off, her butt looked so good into those jeans all nice and firm. I just could not help but smile.
Darryl Matthews
Age: 18
Occupation: Hot girlfriend
Description: tanned long legs, dark red hair, full pink lips and oval shaped green eyes The most gorgeous girl in the world.
"Dude, you and my sister…eww" Jay said, screwing his face. I'm surprised he allowed me to go out with his sister. He is so protective of both of them, especially Michaela. He doesn't allow any boys to come near her.
"Zoo animals belong together, they need to mate in the wild together. While the male is still producing" Michaela muttered. Chris, Jay, even Tristan started laughing. I growled, and glowered at her.
"You two are so immature," Mumbled an overly depressive Tristan who suddenly went from laughing to Emo mood within a nanosecond, he is like a PMSing girl. I groaned and rolled my eyes. Tristan had been like this for days, he even had Chris tiptoeing around him. Tory was vain and shallow get over it. Michaela blushed at him as he looked up to smile at her. Pur-lease! Could that girl make her crush any more obvious than usual, the way she threw herself at him, flicking her hair and batting her eyelashes.
"Sorry Tristan" Michaela mumbled "Tae and I will be like totally quiet" Blushing even harder, is it even natural to go that shade.
Yes, yes she can. If I had a nickel for every time a girl did that to me, I would be a millionaire. I know a girl with an infatuation when I see one, some would say they are in love but as soon as a hotter or cooler guy comes along, they are gone.
" adoring fans, muscles to work, hate to love you and leave you Pudding but I got to go." I grinned, she looked at me with her innocent eyes. I leant over as if I was about to kiss her, pouting my lips. She flinched and pushed me away.
"Go choke on your own vomit, Harrods" she scowled, I went over to her and hugged her, she tried to push me away but was obviously failing to do so, as I held on tightly.
"There are a whole lot of things I would like to choke on" I replied before licking the side of her face.
"Argghhhhhhhhhhhh!" She yelled.
30 points to Tae Harrods