Alyson Brokaw
Personal Universe Deck Poem
Smooth ink flows over silken paper,
Colors splashed upon a woven canvas,
Music Too!
Softly floating melodies, a tuning harp,
Vibrations of the string upon the mahogany violin.
And What Glorious Movement!
Like a wind blown Arizona desert,
Dry and pale, chestnut and green.
Dust storms, a grainy film like an old photograph
Mysterious moon glows above the silver and blue
Glittering eyes slip away into shadows,
Dark and evergreen.
Eerie howls of wolves slice the thick, sticky summer air.
Night passes,
Long and dark.
Peaks of orange and gold begin to shine,
Slender silhouettes against a magenta sky.
The beginning: an eternal duel
Between day and night,
Sun and moon.
Dependent on one another.
A Passionate story unfolds before our eyes
The music stops.
A final bow.
Pitter patter of sporadic rain upon a wooden floor.
Thunder rumbles louder. One last floating leap and a flutter of wings.
But the dance continues forever.