I must admit, I'm scared today
A monster's on my tracks
There's a good chance I won't live to tell
For a tongue my body lacks
And I will keep on running
The monster will not care
For that's the way the story goes
And change it, I do not dare
He usually comes at night
With gnarled hands and feet
To touch the sleeping children
His tender, tasty meat
For a while he will leave you alone
For a while he won't care
But then you'll see him watching you
With his cold and icy stare.
That's when you'd better start running
You may save yourself some weeks
And ward him off a little longer
While after you, he seeks
But no matter how fast you run
Or how much you hide
He'll find you fast, you will see
You'll wish that you had died
For first he'll take your ears
And then he'll take your tongue
And then he'll take some fingers too
If you're lucky, then just one
But worst of all, I warn you
Worst of all, I warn you well
That if he ever catches you
Never, never tell
For those you tell will be subjected
To a wicked, wicked fate
The ones you tell will be caught, too
And then it is too late
So my friend, I'm sorry
And as I sit here I do
Regret relaying my story
For now he's after you