Curse of the Sea

A blur of white and black,

Angry caws of the arguing seagulls as they soar overhead.

Above the smoothed sands and jagged rocks

Expand great white cliffs, overgrown with vines and greenery

Pine trees tower even higher above,

Just out of the reach of the thundering blue waves that

beat against the edge of the cliff.

The trees sway slightly in the breeze above the cliff.

The sea begins to rise

Encompassing the jagged rocks in a warm embrace of love

Cold breath upon the rocks, like the winds in winter against one's cheeks.

Strange figures emerge from the sea

Elusive and eerie singing invades the air

Sensual and to be feared, sending strange shivers down the spine.

The air cools and the sky grows dark.

The mermaids rise from the sea

Gold scales glimmering in the unnatural darkness

Along the curves of the fishy tails, scales extending towards the

women's bare bosoms.

The clouds open and rain begins to fall

Cool and caressing, sharp and piercing.

Screams puncture the thickening air and the singing ceases to be heard.

The figures return to the surf.

The clouds clear and the sun returns

Peace has graced the sea once more.