REASON AND ROMANCE releases in a few hours (or maybe it's already released in the timezone that you guys are in), and all I have to say is ... I'm deeply thankful and scared XD Happy, nervous, worried, thankful ... and yes, thankful for the third time!

In the back of the book I have my Acknowledgments, but it's worth saying it here. When I was young, I knew I loved writing because I'd always get excited over paper and notebooks. I loved writing and scribbling stories. I loved typing my stories on the computer. I loved sharing them with my friends, classmates, and teachers, but it wasn't until I discovered fanfiction online that I thought I should share my stories with the greater public.

I think I got only 3 responses for my first story, but I was so happy that I didn't care. There were moments of frustration, but many, many, many moments of sheer joy and bliss that comes from creating a story universe and characters. My writing wasn't that good, but I had fun :) Eventually, that led me to Fictionpress and original fiction.

And eventually...

Fictionpress was an utter blast. It's easy to forget how great the first few years were, because of the ugly plagiarism toward the end, but I truly loved writing and sharing there. I met some of you guys there, and without your wonderful comments, feedback, and criticism, I would not be here today.

The plagiarism nearly did my writing in, and I came very close to quitting, but, no, you guys reminded me why I loved writing. I've gone through many ups and downs with my writing over the years, and yet you guys are here.

We are finally here. REASON AND ROMANCE comes out, and I hope this is only the first book in a succession of books yet to come. I will do my very best to bring out my older stories that you guys loved as well as newer stories. I am a writer, and I will always write, but you guys are here, and that truly helps to inspire my writing.


EDIT: Please see my profile for additional information (my author name, purchase links, etc, if you are interested!)