Hemogoblin Strikes Again

'Hemogoblin has struck once more. The vicious vampire/goblin hybrid made the Medidue pharmacy his victim this time, raiding the store of all medicine for diagnosed patients with stomach cramps, period pains and sore throats. The police suspect he will next rid school nurses of their Paracetamol.' The newsreader announced this untimely (the summer flu was upon them) news to the whole population of Illsville.

Daisy Goddard sighed and turned the radio off. She had better get changed and start tracing the tracks of the notorious villain.

She trudged upstairs to her bedroom, went over to her bookshelf and pulled Bored of the Rings down. Turning around she opened her eyes wide for her favourite teddy to scan her eyes and touched the pad of his foot for fingerprints.

The old grand piano in the corner of her bedroom swung around to reveal a neat little crevice filled with her Super Cape Costume (batteries not included), newspaper clippings of her sightings and the secret stash of fudge that she raided after every adventure.

Daisy was about 5 foot 3 and hoped that one day she would develop the power of growth. She was 15 but was often mistaken for her 12 year old sister's little sister. It was rather sad. Her long dirty blonde hair made up for her lack of height, though, as it flowed right down to her ankles (it took a long time to wash).

Her eyes were blue. They weren't dark blue or baby blue or greeny blue or any other kind of blue you could think of; they were just blue. Her nose was small (but not too small) and she had the makings of a prominent bum-chin.

Overall, as a normal girl, she was just that- normal. But when she became Ditzy Daisy the world knew who she was and worshipped her. She loved those times, and they had become increasing of late, as the scoundrel Hemogoblin insisted on ruining the pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession. Apparently, they had given him A positive blood to drink when he was on a strict diet of O.

Messed him up for life, the poor bugger.

Come on, who the hell would ever think of stealing Paracetamol from school nurses? In her mind, all Daisy could see was the vampiric goblin showing his fangs and snatching the medicinal tablets from chubby, buxom women. And of course they would all have to be wearing white uniforms and a nurse's cap with a red cross on it.

Damn! If that actually happened the crosses would make Hemogoblin hiss; he would get angry and steal all the cough medicine too! This really was a bad situation; she would have to get down there quickly.

Daisy shrugged the Super Cape Costume on and the turbo charge connected to her inner powers. The Cape struggled to life, puffed some smoke, then died.

'It had to be today, didn't it?' Daisy cursed. 'It had to today, when Hemogoblin is at his highest when my Super Cape Costume runs out of battery. I'll have to pop down the shops and buy some more.' She mumbled a whole string of other curses under her breath before she did exactly what she said she would.

She popped down the shops. It was like, POP, and then she was outside the nearest battery selling store. Teleportation really is handy sometimes, Daisy thought to herself as she allowed the store clerk to rip her off because she was Ditzy Daisy. Ah well, I'll come back with my best friend the repoman!

Okay, so this is just a really random story that I made up yesterday whilst waiting for my friends to do their homework! I will probs continue it if I get some good reviews!
