Morning Sun

Wearing his cap coolly and adjusting it so that it would hide his eyes in shadow while gripping his bouquet of daffodils, he entered the building and looked around rather darkly, eyes scanning for the person. As he approached a corner, a voice drifted into his ears; stopping dead in his tracks, he placed himself on the wall and peered around as he heard her speak.

She wore a dark, apologetic look in her eyes as she stared at his best friend. "I'm sorry...but I love another." His head snapped back upon hearing this, and he dropped his bouquet; as the flowers landed with a dull thud that echoed in his stunned head, he brought his cap back lower and walked off from the scene with his hands in his pockets, smirking slightly. His smirk grew larger and larger into a sad smile as he exited the building and headed toward the fields; the sun was just beginning to rise now as he left the concrete jungle of the city and approached the nature side of the area. Trees flanked the exit of the city, their ancient branches creaking in the slight gentle gusts that whispered in his ears. His shirt billowed slightly against the wind as his foots crunched up the decaying leaves of autumn while he stepped through.

He entered the fields that harbored the edge of the cliff, covering the land with beautiful groves of daisies, dandelions and daffodils; the same groves where his bouquet originated from. He traipsed off slowly to the cliff overlooking the ocean; the rising sun's rays shot sparkles into the ocean beautifully, the sparks glistening in his eyes. The darkness of the shadow began to evaporate as the sun crawled up to him on the cliff, and a stronger gust of wind blew that stirred the flower field to life. The daisies embraced the wind and danced around wildly, playing in the breeze enjoyably; the dandelions unleashed their petals everywhere as through a large one had exploded, and the daffodils gently bent toward the wind's will. The dandelion seeds followed the wind as it encircled him, creating a beautiful scene as though conjured by magic. He closed his eyes and savored his sunrise in the fields of flowers, feeling at peace and attempting to rid his mind of any thought, hopefully forever.

His head suddenly brought itself up in awareness as he sensed something coming toward him; turning around slowly, he saw her standing there, and in his mind, emanating a light brighter than the morning sun. Closing his eyes and turning back to the sea, he spoke heavily. "I thought you loved another...what made you follow me?"

She seemed to glide to him as she elegantly waded across the flowers; she placed one hand on his shoulder and said, "Yes, I did love another to him...but I love the one I'm speaking to in your case." He suddenly turned around, as though he couldn't believe his ears; his cool demeanor then came back as his smirk returned, and they embraced each other in the outline of the morning sun as the wind led the flowers in a chorus while the sea crashed its waves in a musical tune.