With empty darkness by my side
My heart a space for devouring blight
I walked down the winding road of life
Looking for something more than a lie
There I found that winds no longer blew
And rain no longer fell
My life I had no clue
Except that I was in living hell
But then he reached down from the heavens
And showed me the light
To him I was more than a servant
An eaglet yearning for its flight
His love so thorough and deep
No one could make it sway
It alone was for us to keep
Some thing even Satan could not take away
Cuanto ver be esa Amor,
That he sent his son to die
A criminal's sentence a judgement by the law
Crucified on the cross up high
And though we see yet no me comprende
I just wished you understood
I'll pray for you day after day
Until enlightenment could