So you want to know the truth about life?
That is why you are reading this, isn't it?
Well, after carefully searching for the answer, I have come to the conclusion that there is none.
It does not exist.
You will spend the next years of your life trying to figure out what you're doing.
But you spend so much time looking for something that things pass you on the way.
You will work your days away,
You will save your money,
You will not take risks,
You will not give your whole heart to someone and you will not dance naked in the rain.
If you do all of these things,
Then the truth about your life is that it's being wasted.
What is life without chances?
So stop for a moment.
Don't wake up and take the day for granted.
For in twenty-four hours, it will be gone and will never come back.
Talk to the person who is always alone.
Make a new friend.
Put differences aside.
Try something new.
You will wait for years for your life to actually start; for something to come.
But nothing is coming, this is your life.
Why can't it start now?