I love you

I can recall the first time I met you

Every time I think about you I can recall it

Well, I know you take education before love, but I will wait

I know lots of people fell in love with you, but you brushed them away.

I can't promise that we will be together forever, but I can promise I'm in love with you this moment.

Each time on MSN, I would wait for you to come online, just to have a short talk with you.

Of all the people on my list, you are the one that I most wished that would come online. I would wait minutes to days for your arrival on MSN, cause I couldn't see you in real life, cause you are in school, but I'm at work.

Our distance makes use fall further from each other, but this distance makes me love you even more, every time you aren't online, I would think to myself if you have arrived home safely, cause I don't want you hurt.

We have friendship, but I wish that we could have more than that.

I won't push you to a decision that you don't want to make, cause I really love you.

Its been a year since I known you, the year started as not knowing each other, to becoming friends, to we enter god-brother and sister, but one day just one day I would wish you can be my mate.

No matter how bad you did on a test, you got a perfect mark to me.

No matter how many bad qualities you have, all I care is the good qualities that you have, and that's lots, I can take you as whatever you are, cause that's love, and my love to you is beyond anything to me.

I'm patient to wait for you to love me back, but I would love for you to give me some of your time right now, so we can go out and eat some gelato.

Over hundreds of words, I write my love to you, but how much can you write about me?

This is my love to you.