Writer's Plea
They say "it's this!"
And pin it down
Confine it to a box
And so continue
To march on through
And make everything fit in place
Like Sherman marching to the Sea
They destroy everything in the way
And in so
They turn symbolism into the real
And on a platter
They serve it to you
For you to pick up
Hold, digest
But that is not what I ask of you
I wish for you to do much more
I ask you,
Beseech you,
Not to destroy it
But to embrace it
Watch it
Feel its presence
But leave it intangible
Leave it alive
Let it be
Listen to this
My writer's plea
And think of what the writer wants...
Why the story was written...
It wasn't to have it pinned down and dissected...
I just want it to be free