Chapter 1
Frank, (Bob's son) was sitting in the living room playing video games with his good friend THE IDENTITY OF THIS PERSON HAS BEEN CENSORED. So far Frank was winning.
"Come one Frank!" said BLOCKED IDENTITY. "Let me ride in the tank."
"Nope. Not until you take out that sniper."
Frank bent his elbow trying to get a better angle at his controller, only to bump his dad's trophy on the floor. It was the trophy Bob had gotten when he had saved the world from the terrrible killer shrimp. (Yes. That's terrible with 3 R's) It was a nice trophy, made of solid gold with the statue of a dead shrimp on top of it.
When Frank had bumped it though, the impact had broken the shrimp off the top.
"Oh bad." said B.I.
"My dad's gonna kill me" said Frank.
And right on cue, the front door opened. But it wasn't Bob. It was John, the cashier from the grocery store. He was the one who always rang up Bob's groceries.
"Have you seen Bob?" asked John, who seemed to be distressed.
"Not since one," said Frank.
"Well he never showed up at the store, and there's something I think you should see."
Frank and B.I. followed john to the scene of the crime. The evidence was unmistakable. A set of footprints with the same treads as Bob's Nikes entered the alley. A few feet later some of Bob's stuff was scattered on the ground. They were just random things that Bob liked to keep on his person. Tic-Tacs, a wallet, his house keys, a waffle iron, (for tasty waffles on the go), some lighter fluid, a phone book, an inflatable raft, a pair of skies, and a treadmill (because Bob knew the importance of physical fitness).
Frank bent down to examine the scene more thoroughly.
"Yep" said Frank confidently. "These are defiantly shrimp tracks."
"We should tell the president" said B.I.
"I have his number on speed dial."
A.N. I hope to be able to post another chapter later today. But don't let that stop you from posting a review. Even if all you have to say is "This story is crap! The characters are unreal, the plot is too slow, or non existent, and the joke aren't even funny!" Well, actually if that's all you have to say then maybe you shouldn't post a review, and maybe I should take some writing classes.