Spay Now or Kill Later

Once when I was little, we found three kittens under a trailer home. They were barely past weaning age and were small enough to fit in my palm. Their eyes were infected and their fur was infested with dog tics. Luckily, they were alive. We knew they were abandoned—left to die—by some inconsiderate person who couldn't care for them, or who had too many. Because owners wrongly believe spaying and neutering their pets is cruel, more than half of all pets that enter shelters are euthanized, and millions more are abandoned. So tell me, which way is really cruel?

They say every five seconds a human baby is born, which means, according to The Kansas Humane Society figures, every 0.71 seconds a kitten or puppy is born. Overpopulation is an epidemic that affects pets all over the world. Also according to The Kansas Humane Society, and un-spayed dog and her puppies can produce 67,000 puppies in six years.

Because of overpopulation, animal shelters are overcrowded, and shelter owners need a great deal of money to keep the shelter running. Often times they don't have the resources to feed all the animals. Tha's where euthanasia comes in. euthanasia is the act or practice of killing an individual painlessly for reasons considered merciful. In the US alone, 11 million pets are put down each year. According to Pawprints & Purrs Inc., of all the cats that enter shelters 71 are destroyed and 61 of dogs are destroyed. Sometimes an animal will be euthanized if s/he is expected to live their life in a cage at a shelter. There are, though, some private shelters that are no-kill shelters. They are strongly against euthanasia.

Animals that are abandoned face a much crueler fate. According to Pawprints & Purrs Inc., 4 out of 5 kittens or puppies are abandoned. They are left to die of starvation or disease on the harsh streets. They become feral after time and if picked up are too wild to e adopted. If a mother and her offspring are deserted, the mother often dies while trying to care fore her kittens of puppies, and the orphans are left to fend for themselves.

Humans have domesticated dogs and cats, and no they depend on us for survival. It is up to us to make sure they are able to live full and healthy lives. The bottom line is that spaying and neutering our pets reduces overpopulation, euthanasia, and abandonment.

A Cat's Prayer

I ask for the privilege of not being born…not to be born until you can assure me of a home and a master to protect me, and the right to live as long as I am physically able to enjoy life…not to be born until my body is precious and men have ceased to exploit it because it is cheap and plentiful

Author unknown

(A/N) This is really happening; take the time to think about it. Do something-it is real, they need our help!