I got a letter this morning,
I put my eyes on a diet, my tears are gaining too much weight.
We hate the blue-glowing-sun-hating.
You sent me a letter two days ago.
I wonder how you felt.
It's not only a home.
You eat hushpuppies.
I reluctantly munch clam chowder.
We both couldn't care less about the politics.
She runs a hand through her hair.
She walks through the plains, wishing
that we were there.
A/N: The only thing on that I've put on this site with any sort of subtext whatsoever. If you can analyze this poem correctly then I will write something for you, whatever you want, nothing longer than a thousand words unless I feel like it. And no fanfiction in fandoms I dislike or am not familiar with. Speaking of fan fiction, if you're interesting, I write HPFF. PM me for my FFN pen name. It sucks much less than the stuff here.
By the way, this the first two lines are stolen. If you can tell me where they're from, I'll write a haiku/lune for you, subject of your choice.