I would like to thank all of the people who support me and please, all readers, tell me if you don't understand a word and am way to lazy to get a dictionary I have been there and I will try my best to explain it to you all.

Chapter #2

Okay. Now that you know what I am gong to be. Yes you heard me. I am not one yet. First the princess has to catch me. Yeah right unless she has a royal army. She can only wish for that.

I turned and ran through the door that leads to the animal housing. It's not like I care if I get caught now because she already thinks that I am a liar and a thief so it don't matter.

But right before the door closed I caught a few words. While she was sobbing? "killed my father"? that defiantly wasn't me who killed his father and I don't think the prince-let killed his own father. I don't think Prince David is like that or was or is or I have no idea what I am talking about.

And besides. I was hiding under the bed and it was an old guy. Really old guy. Or it could have been someone in a really good disguise but I don't think so.

And just cause her mother is the magnate of the realm doesn't give them the right to hate blindly and to a close relative. Seriously that is just idiotic.

Now. Where am I heading off too? Give me just a second to think about it. Oh yeah. Here I come little Figes.

So I finally get to the Figes' animal housing and then I see that I have a major problem. They are guarding it now. They didn't do that last year. Over the last few years I have been taking the Figes back to their homes before they get killed and I guess her majesty figured out that it wasn't going to stop.

So I have a major disaster on my hands. Guess I have to go get reinforcements.