Dedicated to my sweet friend

We started off so far away,
Dislike was the least between us I'll say,
But as time passed and wandered by,
I was drawn inexorably and inevitably nearer,
To become closer friends besides the 'hi's and bye's"
And your life to me became so much dearer.

It's hard to believe that God would bless me with such a friend
To stand beside me through thick and thin,
Forever eternity in the destined land,
I entreat don't let go of God's hand.

For together we have grown,
For together we were trialed,
But together we have flown,
On wings of love beyond doubt,

If words could describe how much you mean to me,
It would be love,
To love above and beyond the call of duty.
That's what you are to me.

Thank you Yi Xiu for being there,
For dropping that word of encouragement,
Especially when I seek some loving care.