Oh my god! Scott's coming up to me. What the hell do I do? What the hell do I do?

"Come over to my house tomorrow, at noon. Don't be late I just want to finish this project already," he says as he passes me by.

I manage to get out a pathetic, "mm-hm."

Scott left, so I pack my stuff. There's a tapping on my shoulder. "Yes?" I say without turning around.

"Hey, I heard what Scott said." Oh my god, it's Nick. I turn around to look into his adorable black eyes; They're a little covered by loose dark brown hair. "Why's he acting like that towards you, aren't you guys going out?"

I wince at the remark. "No, we aren't going out. We broke up."

"Oh." Nick does sound sad but I don't think it sounds very sincere.

"Yeah." Damn me and my coldness towards the guy I like.

"So, um, bye," he says awkwardly.

"Bye," I say. He walks out the door, leaving me to stare at the books in my hands. Oh shit, I have to leave. I run out the door to my next class.

It is now Saturday morning. I went to sleep early last night so I wouldn't have any bags under my eyes. It was 8:00 when I got up but after finishing my shower it's 9:12. I have three hours to make myself look beautiful. I still don't know what I'm going to where. hm, I think I need to where something that says "this is what you gave up when you broke up with me." So that means show some skin but don't look too slutty. I don't want to make it obvious I'm trying to win him back. I put on my push-up bra (A/N: I know, too much info but i needed to show how she was getting dressed up and hey at least I didn't put what underwear she put on) and a spaghetti strap shirt with a dip. Then I put on my nicest jeans. I then ask my sister to do my makeup for me. She's much better than me at it. She's going too far and starting to attack me with tweezers. Damn, she's good, even I have to admit I don't look half bad after her amazing makeover. I don't get why she doesn't want to do beauty things when she grows up, she's so good at it. I am finally ready and it is 11:40. It only takes 5 minutes to get to Scott's house but I like being a little early or just on time, so I'm going to leave right now.

I get out of my car. I feel so self-conscious. There's no one else around and I'm walking in not-so-modest colthes. I walk on the path leading to the front door of his house. I hate ringing door bells, it feels like everyone on the street can hear it, but here I was doing my best not to hide from anyone passing by who happened to look in my direction, pressing that damned button that will get all of their attentions. (A/N: I hope that last sentence made sense.)

A very tired looking Scott came to the door. His face has a little hair on it from not shaving this morning. His blonde hair is messy and a lot of it is hanging over his blue eyes, but not in an emo way, more like a just got out of bed and was to lazy to fix it way. He is still in his pajamas, otherwise known as boxers and a white tank top.

"What are you doing here," He says in a groggy voice.

"You told me to come at 12:00. I'm sorry if you want me to come by later I will."

"No wait inside, I'll go get dressed," he tells me, now in a more awake tone.

"Ok," I say and he heads up stairs while I take a seat on the steps.

A/N IMPORTANT: If you ever see the word IMPORTANT in one of my author's notes please don't ignore it. It will be important and if you don't read it you may get lost in the story. My other author's notes you don't have to read.

Well this chapter was very...odd. I have to say that I am sorry for my oddness. review if you feel like it.